
American Farm Bureau Federation Hacked, Infected by Malicious Malware

The hackers have hacked and infected the official website of American Farm Bureau Federation ( with a malware yesterday.

The hackers accessed the server of the website, infecting it with a virus which blocks the users from visiting the site. However, the attackers and reasons to hack the site is unknown. 

The Google search engine has also put the site in the list of sites which are dangerous for the users to visit. 

It is unclear what kind of malware was installed on the site, yet Google blocking the site from access shows the virus pose a serious threat to the visitors. 

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), commonly referred to as the Farm Bureau, is a nonprofit organization and the largest general farm organization in the United States. The stated mission of AFBF is “working through our grassroots organizations to enhance and strengthen the lives of rural Americans and to build strong, prosperous agricultural communities.” AFBF is headquartered in Washington, DC. There are 50 state Farm Bureau affiliates and one in Puerto Rico.

At the time of publishing this article, the website was blocked and displaying Google’s malicious malware warning.

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