Official Google Video Costa Rica Domain Hacked by h4x0r HuSsY from TeaM MADLEETS

Pakistani hacker h4x0r HuSsY from TeaM MADLEETS has hacked and defaced the official Google Video Costa Rica domain just few hours ago. The hacker left his deface page along with a message on the hacked Google Video Costa Rica domain which shows that hack was more likely done as a result of a personal dispute between TeaM MADLEETS […]

#OpIsrael: 250 Israeli websites hacked by Pakistani hacker H4x0r HuSsY

A Pakistani hacker going with the handle of H4x0r HuSsY from Pakistani Leets hacking group has hacked and defaced total 250 Israeli websites in a cyber attack conducted between 8th August to 14th August 2013. It seems that hacker got access to a server with multiple vulnerabilities, resulting in defaced the server and leaving his deface page […]