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Two Big Anonymous Hacktivist Pages on Facebook get Verified Badges

While surfing Facebook, you must have seen a blue badge indicating verified pages and profiles of famous people such as celebrities, journalists and politicians etc, but looking at verified pages of Anonymous hacktivists was something totally unexpected. Yes! there are two pages on Facebook belonging to the Anonymous hacktivists with verified page status and millions of likes.  We saw […]

19 Domains of US’s Yakima County Fire District #5 Hacked & Defaced by KamiSec Team

A group of Malaysian hackers from KamiSec Team has hacked and defaced the official website of Yakima County Fire District #5 (, along with 18 of its sub-domains. The hackers who contacted me via email explained that reason for hacking the website was to show their support for the people of Palestine.  All 19 websites were successfully defaced and […]