Data Breach

120 Million Unique Taxpayer ID Numbers Exposed Online From Misconfigured Servers

120 Million Unique CPF of Brazilian citizens exposed online form a misconfigured Apache server. The highly personal information is openly available for everyone.

The exposed data contains sensitive information that linked CPF includes banks, loans, repayments, credit and debit history, voting history, full name, emails, residential addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, family contacts, employment, voting registration numbers, contract numbers, and contract amounts.

The publically available misconfigured servers are discovered by InfoArmor Threat Intelligence team back in March of 2018 and in April 2018 InfoArmor contacted the Email address registered with one of the hosts of the SQL server.

Researchers also found a swap with the files, “an 82 GB file, had been replaced by a raw .sql file 25 GB in size, though its filename remained the same. This swap suggests a human intervened.”

The exposed archive contains file sizes ranges from 27M to 82 gigabytes. Also, the index file has been renamed from “index.html” to “index.html_bkp,” which makes the file’s to be accessible publically.

By the end of the month, the server has been fixed and all the data has been secured and it functional with the website with an authenticated website, reads the blog post.

“With the mad rush to share tenant cloud services, we are seeing a tremendous amount of leaked data that is potentially 10 times greater than actual threat actor activity,” says Christian Lees, chief intelligence officer at InfoArmor.

“It is safe to assume that any intelligence organization or cybercrime group with reasonable collection capabilities and expertise will have captured this data. This data could very likely be used against the population of Brazil, the nation of Brazil, or any nations hosting people who have a CFP”, reads the report.

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