Operation Buhtrap, the trap for Russian accountants

The Operation Buhtrap campaign targets a wide range of Russian banks, used several different code signing certificates and implements evasive methods to avoid detection.

Late in 2014, we noticed and started to track an undocumented malicious campaign targeting Russian businesses, and that has been active for well over a year. The malware used in this campaign is a mix of off-the-shelf tools, NSIS-packed malware and bespoke spyware that abuses Yandex’s Punto software, a program for Russian users which silently and automatically changes the keyboard language depending on what the user is typing. Once the cybercriminals have compromised a computer, they use custom tools to analyze its content, install a backdoor and finally deploy a malicious module that spies on the system and can enumerate smart cards.

The campaign targets a wide range of Russian banks, uses several different code signing certificates and implements evasive methods to avoid detection. As explained later, we believe this campaign is financially-motivated and that it targets accounting departments in Russian businesses. Operation Buhtrap is a mix of two words: “Buhgalter” and “trap”. “Buhgalter” means “accountant” in Russian.

This campaign is of particular interest as the techniques used by these cybercriminals are often associated with targeted attacks and not generally used by financially-motivated cybercriminals. Although we believe it to be a different campaign, it shares some similarities with Anunak/Carbanak in terms of techniques, tactics and procedures it uses. In this blog post, we will cover this campaign, its targets, and the tools used by these criminals.


The cybercriminals behind this campaign are installing their software only on computers that have Russia as their default Windows locale. The infection vector we have seen consists of Microsoft Word documents sent as email attachments that exploit CVE-2012-0158, a vulnerability in Microsoft Word that was patched three years ago. The images below show two of the decoy documents used in this campaign. The first document, titled “Счет № 522375-ФЛОРЛ-14-115.doc” mimics an invoice. The second, aptly titled “kontrakt87.doc”, copies a generic telecommunications service contract from MegaFon, a large Russian mobile phone operator.

The content of the decoy documents we’ve examined, the tactics and tools used, the references to business applications contained in some modules, as well as some of the malicious domain names that were used in this campaign, all lead us to believe that Russian businesses are their primary target.

If we take it into consideration that some of the Command and Control (C&C) domain names are very similar to some accounting forums or specialized websites, and that the malware contains references to software tools and banking applications commonly used in accounting departments, we can infer that workers belonging to this department are the most likely primary targets.

The tools deployed on the victim’s computer allow them to control it remotely and to record the user’s actions. The malware allows the criminals to install a backdoor, attempt to obtain the account password, and even create a new account. They also install a keylogger, a clipboard stealer, a smart card module, and have the capability to download and execute additional malware.

Our telemetry for the malware families linked to this campaign is shown below. Most detections we have for these threats are located in Russia. Our telemetry also shows that the tools used by this campaign are not widespread. This reinforces our assumption that these attackers are likely focusing primarily on businesses.

Installation Overview

If the user opens the malicious attachments on a vulnerable system, an NSIS-packed trojan downloader will be dropped and executed. It will make several checks on the machine, first looking for malware researcher tools or evidence that the malware is run in a virtual machine, exiting if it finds any. It will also check whether the Windows locale is Russian (1049) and uses “FindFirst/NextUrlCacheEntry” and registry key “SoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerTypedURLs” to know whether URLs matching the following patterns were visited on the computer:

*ICPortalSSL *ibank *i-elba
*sib.taatta.net *ibrs *clbank.minbank.ru
*isfront.priovtb.com *iclient *chelindbank.ru/online/
*ISAPIgate.dll *e-plat.mdmbank.com *uwagb
*bsi.dll *sberweb.zubsb.ru *wwwbank
*PortalSSL *ibc *dbo
*IIS-Gate.dll *elbrus *ib

It will also check to see if any of the applications below is running on the machine:

ip-client.exe pkimonitor.exe BC_Loader.exe CbShell.exe Bankline.EXE
prclient.exe pmodule.exe Client2008.exe clb.exe GeminiClientStation.exe
rclient.exe pn.exe IbcRemote31.exe CliBank.exe _ClientBank.exe
saclient.exe postmove.exe _ftcgpk.exe CliBankOnlineEn.exe ISClient.exe
SRCLBClient.exe productprototype.exe scardsvr.exe CliBankOnlineRu.exe cws.exe
twawebclient.exe quickpay.exe CL_1070002.exe CliBankOnlineUa.exe CLBANK.EXE
vegaClient.exe rclaunch.exe intpro.exe client2.exe IMBLink32.exe
dsstart.exe retail.exe UpMaster.exe client6.exe cbsmain.dll
dtpaydesk.exe retail32.exe SGBClient.exe clientbk.exe GpbClientSftcws.exe
eelclnt.exe translink.exe el_cli.exe clntstr.exe Run.exe
elbank.exe unistream.exe MWClient32.exe clntw32.exe SGBClient.exe
etprops.exe uralprom.exe Adirect.exe contactng.exe sx_Doc_ni.exe
eTSrv.exe w32mkde.exe Bclient.exe Core.exe icb_c.exe
ibconsole.exe wclnt.exe bc.exe cshell.exe Client32.exe
kb_cli.exe wfinist.exe ant.exe cyberterm.exe BankCl.exe
KLBS.exe winpost.exe arm.exe client.exe ICLTransportSystem.exe
KlientBnk.exe wupostagent.exe arm_mt.exe cncclient.exe GPBClient.exe
lfcpaymentais.exe Zvit1DF.exe ARMSH95.EXE bbclient.exe CLMAIN.exe
loadmain.exe budget.exe asbank_lite.exe EximClient.exe ONCBCLI.exe
lpbos.exe CB.exe bank.exe fcclient.exe CLBank3.exe
mebiusbankxp.exe cb193w.exe bank32.exe iscc.exe rmclient.exe
mmbank.exe cbank.exe bbms.exe kabinet.exe FcolseOW.exe
pcbank.exe cbmain.ex bk.exe SrCLBStart.exe RkcLoader.exe
pinpayr.exe CBSMAIN.exe BK_KW32.EXE srcbclient.exe uarm.exe
Pionner.exe bnk.exe Upp_4.exe nlnotes.exe

The list of processes is quite exhaustive and does not contain only banking applications. It includes, for example, “scardsvr.exe” which is Microsoft’s SmartCard reader. This makes sense knowing that this malware has smartcard reader capabilities. On the other hand, some processes are hard to identify and might be there for opportunistic reasons.

If all the requirements are met, the final stage is to download an additional file that contains all the modules used by the cybercriminal to spy on the victim.

Interestingly, the downloaded archive may differ depending on the results of the checks above. In one of the earlier version of the NSIS-packed downloader we analyzed, there exist two different archives that can be downloaded from the C&C: one malicious and one benign.

One of the benign archives we downloaded ultimately installed the Windows Live Toolbar. Although the means to install the software was malicious, the final payload wasn’t. These tactics were probably put in place to fool automatic processing systems: since a payload was downloaded, the system could be fooled into thinking that this is the end of the story.

The archive downloaded by the NSIS-packed dropper is a 7z self-extracting executable and contains different modules, all distributed as 7z password-protected archives. This downloaded archive contains the different modules used by this campaign. The picture below better describes the overall installation process and shows the different modules.While the different modules have very different purposes, they are all similarly packaged and a lot of them are signed with a valid code-signing certificate. We found four different certificates used since the campaign started, all registered to companies in Moscow. We of course notified the certificate issuer to have them revoked.

The table below lists the different certificates that were found linked to this campaign. We believe they were all fraudulently obtained.

Company name Validity Serial and Thumbprint
Stroi-Tekh-Sever 09/25/2014 to 09/26/2015 Serial: 07 ac 7c a0 d1 69 d7 d3 86 ee 08 01 19 95 99 f2
Thumbprint: cf5a43d14c6ad0c7fdbcbe632ab7c789e39443ee
Flash 12/18/2014 to 12/19/2015 Serial: 57 a8 f7 1c 7e 2b 97 8c 71 60 ba 07 5e ca b4 6c
Thumbprint: e9af1f9af597a9330c52a7686bf70b0094ad7616
OOO “Techcom” 12/22/2014 to 12/23/2015 Serial: 00 e9 fb cb 1b c3 8b 66 8d 9e ba a4 73 11 76 01 41
Thumbprint: 3e1a6e52a1756017dd8f03ff85ec353273b20c66
Torg-Group 10/30/2014 to 10/31/2015 Serial: 13 01 47 51 84 46 19 e6 b5 7f de ca 34 e6 04 aa
Thumbprint: efad94fc87b2b3a652f1a98901204ea8fbeef474

All the modules that make up this threat share a common install procedure. They are all 7z self-extracting executables that first decompress a password-protected archive and then execute an install.cmd file. The following is the first install.cmd file that gets invoked after the first module has been downloaded and executed:

The install.cmd file will then install the malware or run the various tools, but will first learn more about the machine it is about to compromise, especially about the account privileges it currently has and which version of Windows is installed.
If administrator privileges are required and malware is run on a limited account, it uses two different techniques to attempt privilege escalation.

The first approach uses two files, l1.exe and cc1.exe, which implement a variant of the trick used in the leaked Carberp source code. It copies cryptbase.dll to %USERPROFILE%, patches it so that it launches the malware on execution and packs it as a MSU file. Finally, it uses wusa.exe to copy it to the system directory before launching it. The other technique exploits CVE-2013-3660. Each module that requires privilege escalation has a 32- and 64-bit version of this exploit. If gaining administrator privileges is required, the install.cmd file will try to use either of these techniques to escalate privileges locally  in order to install the different modules.

While tracking this campaign, we downloaded different overall packages. Interestingly, the modules they contained were not the same. This leads us to believe that different targets might receive different modules.

System Preparation – mimi.exe and xtm.exe

This module will try to:

  • Recover account passwords
  • Enable remote desktop service
  • Create a new account on the compromised computer

mimi.exe includes a modified version of Mimikatz, a well-known open source tool allowing password recovery for users logged in a Windows system. Both the 32- and 64-bit versions of the tools are included in the executable resources. While the account password recovery functionality is still there, the executable was modified to remove the user interaction part of the tool. The executable is also modified so that when run, it will invoke in succession the “privilege::debug” and “sekurlsa:logonPasswords” commands, effectively compromising the current local account password.

xtm.exe has different behavior to reach its goals depending on which Windows version it is run. In WinXP, it has scripts that will enable remote desktop services and try to create a new account. These steps are required to give the malware authors full control over the compromised system. xtm.exe will also change system settings, to allow multiple users to be logged on to the computer at the same time. The screenshot below shows an example of the type of commands run on a WinXP machine.

Backdoor – lmpack.exe

This module’s sole purpose is to install a backdoor onto the system. It will try to install LiteManager, a third-party tool that allows remote control of a system.

Once this software is installed, it allows the cybercriminals to connect directly to the victim’s computer and control it remotely. This software even has a command line option to install the application silently, to create firewall rules, and finally to start LiteManager silently. Of course all these options are abused by the cybercriminals.

Spying module – pn_pack.exe

This module is responsible for spying on the user and communicating with the C&C. It will first install Punto, software made by Yandex that can automatically change keyboard language as the user types. The cybercriminals are then misusing this software to run the spying module through DLL side loading and are using it to

  • Log all keystrokes and copy clipboard content
  • Enumerate smart cards present on the system
  • Handle C&C communications

The module that is ultimately responsible for these tasks is an encrypted DLL that is decrypted and loaded into memory at runtime by the Punto process. It launches three threads that will ultimately perform the work outlined above. The fact that Punto is misused by this malware for keylogging purposes is not surprising: several Russian forums detail explicitly how to misuse this application for this purpose.

This module uses RC4 to encrypt its strings as well as its network communication. It will reach out to the C&C every two minutes, transmitting any data that have been stolen from the compromised system. A screenshot of a network communication as well as the different commands that can be received from the server are shown below.

Command Description
MZ The data sent is an executable. The banker module will execute it through the CreateProcess API
LD The data sent is code. The banker module will copy it into executable memory and will execute it by launching a new thread.

As the server commands are sent as a response to a status update from the user, it is not unimaginable that special code will be sent for specific events, such as when a smart card is detected on the system.

Interestingly, in all the banker modules we analyzed (the latest one having a compilation time of January 18th), there is a string “TEST_BOTNET” that is sent in every communication with the C&C. At this point, it is unclear what this means as people and organizations have already been compromised by this malware. As we believe this operation has been ongoing for more than a year, this is intriguing. Perhaps the future holds the answer.


We can imagine the fraudsters operating in this way: they first compromise a single computer in a business by sending a spam and luring the person into opening the attachment.

Once the malware is installed on the victim’s computer, the cybercriminals have access to several tools that will help them to first compromise other computers in the company and second, spy on the user and see whether some fraudulent banking transactions can be performed.

While the tools and software used in this campaign are far from being novel, the overall campaign is quite interesting and intriguing: it diverges quite a bit from the traditional banking malware with which we are familiar.

This campaign is using specific tools to reach its goal, akin to what we are accustomed to see in targeted attacks. Seeing a campaign like this, inevitably the Anunak/Carbanak documented by Fox-IT and Kaspersky comes to mind. Although we believe that this campaign is different, some similarities were observed. The infection vector is similar, it uses a similar modified mimikatz application, and it uses a third-party remote access tool, changes system settings to allow concurrent RDP sessions, and so on.

It will be interesting to see whether this kind of operation will become the norm and if the popularity of traditional banking trojan families will diminish in return.

Special thanks to Anton Cherepanov and Joan Calvet for their help in this analysis


SHA1 Note ESET Detection Name
64b79c92388244a8145bb786ba5f6b7d168fe620 RTF Win32/Exploit.CVE-2012-0158.II
9d081716e83c3075b2c80bb8806a257eed35929c NSIS-packed downloader NSIS/TrojanDownloader.Agent.NQP
cac0b41ef7eedcd3a8a5f83f7424c426ca05925c RTF Win32/Exploit.CVE-2012-0158.JW
b29e9611f081197f273c475c5d185d774b2ca3d2 NSIS-packed downloader Win32/RA-based.AB
81b15a774c2fe146aeebaf9c10a5b907e38cdd26 7z self-extracting exe Win32/RA-based.AB
3a643be0cea73084c6e4e6fe5dd3626e7f54e9ce 7z self-extracting exe Win32/RA-based.NBM
ba8168c0b69d345098ebc1c3b7c90ca28097e4ff Decrypted banker DLL Win32/Spy.Agent.ONE

Indicators of Compromise

Indicator Value
C&C Domains store.kontur-expres.com
C&C Hardcoded IP
7z self-extracting executable URLs hXXp://playback.savefrom.biz/video/video1.cab
Decoy document name Счет № 522375-ФЛОРЛ-14-115.doc