Android Malware Poses As Google App To Ditch Security Apps

Android Malware poses as Google app to infect Android Devices and to Block Security Apps. Recently, security researchers at Symantec Corp identified a malware family that attacks Android devices located in China and blocks security apps along with transferring private data from the device to its command servers. The malware has been named Android.Spywaller and […]

Someone Hacked A Freeway Sign To Display Pro-Donald Trump Message

On Christmas Day Caltrans Freeway sign in Corona Displayed Especial Message for Donald Trump. On Christmas Day, Caltrans Freeway sign in Corona city California was hacked and defaced with messages in support of Presidental candidate Donald Trump. An unexpected message for drivers was displayed at the Caltrans sign in Corona this Christmas, which read: “Inland Empire […]

Misconfigured Database Exposes Details of 191 Million US Voters

Researchers could not track down the database’s owner.Security researcher Chris Vickery has identified a misconfigured database that contains the personal details of 191,337,174 US voters. The unprotected database was discovered on December 20, contains over 300 GB of data, and includes details such as full names, voter IDs, home addresses, email addresses, party affiliations, ethnicity, […]

CVE-2015-8562 – 16,000 Daily Attacks on vulnerable Joomla servers

Experts at Symantec discovered that hackers quickly take advantage of CVE-2015-8562 remote code execution to compromise Joomla servers. Joomla recently patched the CVE-2015-8562 vulnerability that could be exploited by attackers for remote code execution. According to the security expert Daniel Cid from Sucuri, hundreds of attacks are now taking place. “What is very concerning is that this […]

ISIS Terrorist Attack On Italy Blocked By Anonymous Hackers, Group Claims

Short Bytes: Anonymous hacktivist group has claimed to block a possible ISIS terror attack on Italy. While Anonymous hasn’t released any evidence to prove this claim, the group says, “we don’t need to be believed, the important thing is that no one dies.” The Anonymous hacktivist collective claims to have foiled an ISIS terror attack in […]

Hacker Discovers 191 Million American Voters’ Database Leak

Short Bytes: Recently an open US voter database leak was discovered by Chris Vickery, a white hat hacker. This database contains information about 191 million US citizens including their personal information. Agencies responsible for campaigns which require users database deny the act. FBI has been informed about the same situation lately. A database containing registration information […]

Best Free Android Antivirus For Your Smartphone, According To AVTest

Short Bytes: Here is a list of 25 best android Antivirus that were put on test by AVTest, a company specialized in cyber-security benchmarking. 25 Android security apps were put on the test for six months and here are the results for the best Android antivirus. AVTest put 25 security apps on test for six […]

Common payment processing protocols found to be full of flaws

Stealing PINs and pillaging bank accounts are both trivial. Credit card users could have their PINs stolen, and merchants could have their bank accounts pillaged, in a set of attacks demonstrated by researchers Karsten Nohl and Fabian Bräunlein at the Chaos Computing Club security conference. Much research has been done into the chips found on credit […]

Reverse Engineering Tool – BinText

A small, very fast and powerful text extractor.It can extract text from any kind of file and includes the ability to find plain ASCII text, Unicode (double byte ANSI) text and Resource strings, providing useful information for each item. Basically, we need to extract the appropriate text that will lead us back to the hacker. […]

Top 15 Cyber Attacks and Security Breaches in 2015

With 2016, just a few days away, let’s have a flashback of the top 15 security incidents that took place this year. Hacking Team In June, the hacking team (a security exploit vendor) faced a data breach from an unknown hacker, who leaked their database, internal emails and their source code developed for the spying […]

These Are The Most Popular Websites In 11 Biggest Countries

Short Bytes: BI has spotted a very attractive graph in Goldman Sachs’ yearly compilation. This graph tells us the most popular websites in 11 biggest countries. Read the article to know about some interesting trends and find out the most popular website in your country. The annual compilation of Goldman Sachs’ yearly 100 best charts […]

Holidays Offer Scam on Facebook Drops Malware on User PCs

Crooks are targeting English and Portuguese speaking Facebook users with “Holidays special offers malware scam.” It’s that time of the year when social media is full of free stuff from marketers who want to gather as many leads as possible and possibly convert them later on — Giveaways or discounts are the best marketing practices […]

North Korea’s Linux (Red Star OS) is a nut hard to crack

North Korea is known as an authoritarian state but researchers have found their technological systems to be following the same path. Researchers have scrutinized the Linux distribution, Red Star OS, in North Korea and found it to be very restrictive. Previously, the operating system was found to be watermarking all the files on the USB […]

Ruby 2.3.0 Released With New Features And Performance Improvements

Image: fossBytes Short Bytes: Ruby development team has released Ruby 2.3.0 – the first stable release of Ruby 2.3 series. It comes with improvements like Frozen String Literal Pragma, Safe navigation operator, the did_you_mean gem, and more. Read more to know about these changes in detail. Designed and developed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto of Japan, […]

Researcher Finds 191 Million US Voter Registration Records Online

Chris Vickery, a security researcher who is known for finding leaked databases online claims he has found US voter registration records of 191 million US voters — It is unclear who is behind the leak, why the data was leaked, if the leak is a result of a security or a human error. Vickery in the […]

Police Dogs Trained To Sniff Out Hard Drives Coming For Pedophiles

After using malware on pedophiles, law enforcement authorities in the United States have decided to add Hard-Drive Sniffing Dogs in their units who will search and find hidden hard-drives from suspects. Police dogs are known for helping their counterparts to identify contraband — The sniffing dogs can find hidden cash, drugs, and bombs, but now […]

How the Internet of Things Got Hacked

THERE WAS ONCE a time when people distinguished between cyberspace, the digital world of computers and hackers, and the flesh-and-blood reality known as meatspace. Anyone overwhelmed by the hackable perils of cyberspace could unplug and retreat to the reliable, analog world of physical objects. But today, cheap, radio-connected computers have invaded meatspace. They’re now embedded […]

China passes controversial anti-terrorism law to access encrypted user accounts

China’s legislature unanimously passed a controversial anti-terrorsim law on Sunday despite months of objections from major tech firms and Washington alike. Among other requirements, the new rules state that telecom operators and internet service providers must “provide technical support and assistance, including decryption” to Chinese authorities to help prevent and investigate terrorist activities. The new […]