Federal Judge: NSA Surveillance Program is Legal & Counter Punch to Al-Qaeda

A federal judge has said in his ruling that spying and collecting personal information of American citizens is completely legal and a ”counter-punch” to eliminate al-Qaeda’s terror network. A New York federal judge has given a ruling that National Security Agency (NSA)’s PRISM surveillance and spying program is legal. The ruling is opposite to ruling that […]

Snowden on NSA Leaks: I have already won, I am not disloyal to USA

The NSA’s whistle blower Edward Snowden has said that ‘’he has already won, he has achieved what he dreamed of ’’ especially when journalists around the world got keen to expose what NSA has been doing since 2001. In an interview to the Washington post, ex – NSA tech Snowden said that it is satisfying […]

The Death of Anti‑Virus: conference paper

Death of a Sales Force: Whatever Happened to Anti-Virus? is a paper written by Larry Bridwell and myself for the 16th AVAR conference in Chennai, which was kindly presented by ESET’s Chief Research Officer Juraj Malcho, as neither Larry nor myself were able to attend the conference in the end. The paper is also available

Phear of Phishing

(All four blog articles in this series, of which this article is the last, are available as a single paper here: The_Thoughtful_Phisher_Revisited.) From the sort of ‘visit this link and update or we’ll cancel your account’ message that we saw in the previous blog in this series (The Less Thoughtful Phisher), it’s a short step

Be careful What You Like! Hackers are Hijacking Your Facebook ‘Likes’

The like button is a highly interactive feature of social media giant Facebook. A British public-service television broadcaster has however revealed that hackers are hacking accounts of various people and are liking pages which the hacked user has no interest in. Channel4 reports that at one instance, Richard Southard’s account shows that he is among the common […]

IBM Sued by Its Own Shareholder for Cooperating with the NSA

It seems as if those business which bowed down in front of NSA are now facing a backlash. That’s what we can see from several tech giants and business institutions  who cooperated with the American National Security Agency (NSA) for its spying and surveillance project PRISM. These companies are now loosing billions of dollars and most […]