Threat Actors Targeting Microsoft SQL Servers to Deploy FreeWorld Ransomware

Threat actors are exploiting poorly secured Microsoft SQL (MS SQL) servers to deliver Cobalt Strike and a ransomware strain called FreeWorld. Cybersecurity firm Securonix, which has dubbed the campaign DB#JAMMER, said it stands out for the way the toolset and infrastructure is employed. “Some of these tools include enumeration software, RAT payloads, exploitation and credential […]

Russian State-Backed ‘Infamous Chisel’ Android Malware Targets Ukrainian Military

Cybersecurity and intelligence agencies from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K., and the U.S. on Thursday disclosed details of a mobile malware strain targeting Android devices used by the Ukrainian military. The malicious software, dubbed Infamous Chisel and attributed to a Russian state-sponsored actor called Sandworm, has capabilities to “enable unauthorized access to compromised devices, […]

New SuperBear Trojan Emerges in Targeted Phishing Attack on South Korean Activists

A new phishing attack likely targeting civil society groups in South Korea has led to the discovery of a novel remote access trojan called SuperBear. The intrusion singled out an unnamed activist, who was contacted in late August 2023 and received a malicious LNK file from an address impersonating a member of the organization, non-profit […]

Forever 21, fashion company hacked, customer personal data leaked

After the American fashion outlet announced that it had experienced a data breach at some of its locations, the clothing company Forever 21 is advising consumers to keep a careful look on their credit card bills. The advice comes after Forever 21 warned that some of its stores had been affected. Forever 21 disclosed, in […]

SapphireStealer Malware: A Gateway to Espionage and Ransomware Operations

An open-source .NET-based information stealer malware dubbed SapphireStealer is being used by multiple entities to enhance its capabilities and spawn their own bespoke variants. “Information-stealing malware like SapphireStealer can be used to obtain sensitive information, including corporate credentials, which are often resold to other threat actors who leverage the access for additional attacks, including operations […]

Numbers Don’t Lie: Exposing the Harsh Truths of Cyberattacks in New Report

How often do cyberattacks happen? How frequently do threat actors target businesses and governments around the world? The BlackBerry® Threat Research and Intelligence Team recently analyzed 90 days of real-world data to answer these questions. Full results are in the latest BlackBerry Global Threat Intelligence Report, but read on for a teaser of several interesting […]

This code allow to hack into Juniper SRX firewalls and EX switches

Juniper Networks, a company that manufactures widely used networking equipment as well as security solutions, has issued a warning about vulnerabilities that are present in the operating systems of many of its devices. The business has acknowledged in not one but two distinct security alerts that were either released or revised this week that the […]

Hackers Can Exploit Windows Container Isolation Framework to Bypass Endpoint Security

New findings show that malicious actors could leverage a sneaky malware detection evasion technique and bypass endpoint security solutions by manipulating the Windows Container Isolation Framework. The findings were presented by Deep Instinct security researcher Daniel Avinoam at the DEF CON security conference held earlier this month. Microsoft’s container architecture (and by extension, Windows Sandbox) […]

How FBI remotely deleted QBot malware from 700K computers worldwide

The United States government said today that a multinational law enforcement operation has destroyed Qakbot, also known as QBot, an infamous botnet and malware loader that was responsible for losses that amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars all over the globe, and that they have confiscated more than $8.6 million in illegal cryptocurrencies. During […]

China-Linked BadBazaar Android Spyware Targeting Signal and Telegram Users

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered malicious Android apps for Signal and Telegram distributed via the Google Play Store and Samsung Galaxy Store that are engineered to deliver the BadBazaar spyware on infected devices. Slovakian company ESET attributed the campaign to a China-linked actor called GREF. “Most likely active since July 2020 and since July 2022, respectively, […]

Alert: Juniper Firewalls, Openfire, and Apache RocketMQ Under Attack from New Exploits

Recently disclosed security flaws impacting Juniper firewalls, Openfire, and Apache RocketMQ servers have come under active exploitation in the wild, according to multiple reports. The Shadowserver Foundation said that it’s “seeing exploitation attempts from multiple IPs for Juniper J-Web CVE-2023-36844 (& friends) targeting /webauth_operation.php endpoint,” the same day a proof-of-concept (PoC) became available. The issues, […]

FBI Dismantles QakBot Malware, Frees 700,000 Computers, Seizes $8.6 Million

A coordinated law enforcement effort codenamed Operation Duck Hunt has felled QakBot, a notorious Windows malware family that’s estimated to have compromised over 700,000 computers globally and facilitated financial fraud as well as ransomware. To that end, the U.S. Justice Department (DoJ) said the malware is “being deleted from victim computers, preventing it from doing […]

DarkGate Malware Activity Spikes as Developer Rents Out Malware to Affiliates

A new malspam campaign has been observed deploying an off-the-shelf malware called DarkGate. “The current spike in DarkGate malware activity is plausible given the fact that the developer of the malware has recently started to rent out the malware to a limited number of affiliates,” Telekom Security said in a report published last week. The […]

Mom’s Meals Breached: Over 1.2 Million Consumers Data Exposed

PurFoods, LLC, operating under the trade name Mom’s Meals, has announced the compromise of personal information affecting its clients and employees.  The company acknowledged that its cybersecurity defenses had been compromised, allowing unauthorized access to a treasure trove of consumer data. The incident occurred between January 16, 2023, and February 22, 2023, with the attack […]

Citrix NetScaler Alert: Ransomware Hackers Exploiting Critical Vulnerability

Unpatched Citrix NetScaler systems exposed to the internet are being targeted by unknown threat actors in what’s suspected to be a ransomware attack. Cybersecurity company Sophos is tracking the activity cluster under the moniker STAC4663. Attack chains involve the exploitation of CVE-2023-3519, a critical code injection vulnerability impacting NetScaler ADC and Gateway servers that could […]

Cyberattacks Targeting E-commerce Applications

Cyber attacks on e-commerce applications are a common trend in 2023 as e-commerce businesses become more omnichannel, they build and deploy increasingly more API interfaces, with threat actors constantly exploring more ways to exploit vulnerabilities. This is why regular testing and ongoing monitoring are necessary to fully protect web applications, identifying weaknesses so they can […]

KmsdBot Malware Gets an Upgrade: Now Targets IoT Devices with Enhanced Capabilities

An updated version of a botnet malware called KmsdBot is now targeting Internet of Things (IoT) devices, simultaneously branching out its capabilities and the attack surface. “The binary now includes support for Telnet scanning and support for more CPU architectures,” Akamai security researcher Larry W. Cashdollar said in an analysis published this month. The latest […]

LockBit 3.0 Ransomware Builder Leak Gives Rise to Hundreds of New Variants

The leak of the LockBit 3.0 ransomware builder last year has led to threat actors abusing the tool to spawn new variants. Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky said it detected a ransomware intrusion that deployed a version of LockBit but with a markedly different ransom demand procedure. “The attacker behind this incident decided to use a […]