Muhstik Botnet Exploiting Apache RocketMQ Flaw to Expand DDoS Attacks

The distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnet known as Muhstik has been observed leveraging a now-patched security flaw impacting Apache RocketMQ to co-opt susceptible servers and expand its scale. “Muhstik is a well-known threat targeting IoT devices and Linux-based servers, notorious for its ability to infect devices and utilize them for cryptocurrency mining and launching Distributed Denial […]

Researchers Warn of CatDDoS Botnet and DNSBomb DDoS Attack Technique

The threat actors behind the CatDDoS malware botnet have exploited over 80 known security flaws in various software over the past three months to infiltrate vulnerable devices and co-opt them into a botnet for conducting distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. “CatDDoS-related gangs’ samples have used a large number of known vulnerabilities to deliver samples,” the QiAnXin […]

New HTTP/2 Vulnerability Exposes Web Servers to DoS Attacks

New research has found that the CONTINUATION frame in the HTTP/2 protocol can be exploited to conduct denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. The technique has been codenamed HTTP/2 CONTINUATION Flood by security researcher Bartek Nowotarski, who reported the issue to the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) on January 25, 2024. “Many HTTP/2 implementations do not properly limit or […]

The Looping Attack: Application-Layer Loops as a New DDoS Attack Vector

In the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, a new class of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks has emerged, exploiting the intricate dance between network services. This phenomenon, known as application-layer loops, presents a sophisticated challenge that goes beyond traditional network-layer defenses. By manipulating two network services into an endless exchange of error messages, attackers […]

DirtyMoe Malware Infects 2,000+ Ukrainian Computers for DDoS and Cryptojacking

The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) has warned that more than 2,000 computers in the country have been infected by a strain of malware called DirtyMoe. The agency attributed the campaign to a threat actor it calls UAC-0027. DirtyMoe, active since at least 2016, is capable of carrying out cryptojacking and distributed denial-of-service […]

PixieFail UEFI Flaws Expose Millions of Computers to RCE, DoS, and Data Theft

Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the TCP/IP network protocol stack of an open-source reference implementation of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) specification used widely in modern computers. Collectively dubbed PixieFail by Quarkslab, the nine issues reside in the TianoCore EFI Development Kit II (EDK II) and could be exploited to achieve remote […]

DDoS Attacks on the Environmental Services Industry Surge by 61,839% in 2023

The environmental services industry witnessed an “unprecedented surge” in HTTP-based distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, accounting for half of all its HTTP traffic. This marks a 61,839% increase in DDoS attack traffic year-over-year, web infrastructure and security company Cloudflare said in its DDoS threat report for 2023 Q4 published last week. “This surge in cyber attacks […]

New NKAbuse Malware Exploits NKN Blockchain Tech for DDoS Attacks

A novel multi-platform threat called NKAbuse has been discovered using a decentralized, peer-to-peer network connectivity protocol known as NKN (short for New Kind of Network) as a communications channel. “The malware utilizes NKN technology for data exchange between peers, functioning as a potent implant, and equipped with both flooder and backdoor capabilities,” Russian cybersecurity company […]

Mirai-based Botnet Exploiting Zero-Day Bugs in Routers and NVRs for Massive DDoS Attacks

An active malware campaign is leveraging two zero-day vulnerabilities with remote code execution (RCE) functionality to rope routers and video recorders into a Mirai-based distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnet. “The payload targets routers and network video recorder (NVR) devices with default admin credentials and installs Mirai variants when successful,” Akamai said in an advisory published this […]

DDoS 2.0: IoT Sparks New DDoS Alert

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming efficiency in various sectors like healthcare and logistics but has also introduced new security risks, particularly IoT-driven DDoS attacks. This article explores how these attacks work, why they’re uniquely problematic, and how to mitigate them. What Is IoT? IoT (Internet of Things) refers to online, interconnected devices that […]

Mysterious Team Bangladesh Hackers Launched 750 DDoS Attacks and Hacked 78 Website

The notorious Hacktivists group, Known as Mysterious Team Bangladesh, exploits vulnerable versions of PHPMyAdmin and WordPress. It conducts DDoS and defacement attacks through open-source utilities and is believed to have carried out over 750 DDoS and 70+ website defacements within a year. The group has been active since 2020 and targets logistics, government, and financial […]

“Mysterious Team Bangladesh” Targeting India with DDoS Attacks and Data Breaches

A hacktivist group known as Mysterious Team Bangladesh has been linked to over 750 distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and 78 website defacements since June 2022. “The group most frequently attacks logistics, government, and financial sector organizations in India and Israel,” Singapore-headquartered cybersecurity firm Group-IB said in a report shared with The Hacker News. “The group […]

DDoS Botnets Hijacking Zyxel Devices to Launch Devastating Attacks

Several distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnets have been observed exploiting a critical flaw in Zyxel devices that came to light in April 2023 to gain remote control of vulnerable systems. “Through the capture of exploit traffic, the attacker’s IP address was identified, and it was determined that the attacks were occurring in multiple regions, including Central […]

Powerful JavaScript Dropper PindOS Distributes Bumblebee and IcedID Malware

A new strain of JavaScript dropper has been observed delivering next-stage payloads like Bumblebee and IcedID. Cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct is tracking the malware as PindOS, which contains the name in its “User-Agent” string. Both Bumblebee and IcedID serve as loaders, acting as a vector for other malware on compromised hosts, including ransomware. A recent […]

Azure DDoS Protection service was unable to protect Microsoft, how it will protect clients?

In recent weeks, a hacker collective calling itself Anonymous Sudan has been responsible for launching distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS) on a number of Microsoft services, including Outlook, OneDrive, and Microsoft Azure, amongst others. These attack events, which typically lasted between one and two hours, were successful in their goal of crippling Microsoft’s services […]

Goldoson Android Malware Infects Over 100 Million Google Play Store Downloads

h A new Android malware strain named Goldoson has been detected in the official Google Play Store spanning more than 60 legitimate apps that collectively have over 100 million downloads. An additional eight million installations have been tracked through ONE store, a leading third-party app storefront in South Korea. The rogue component is part of […]

UK Police Setup Thousands of  Fake DDoS-For-Hire Websites

The National Crime Agency (NCA) of the United Kingdom revealed that it had built several fake DDoS-for-hire service websites to track down cybercriminals who use these platforms to attack businesses. Also, this declaration follows the Agency’s decision to designate one of the sites now maintained by officers as a criminal service as part of a sustained programme […]

New ShellBot DDoS Malware Variants Targeting Poorly Managed Linux Servers

Poorly managed Linux SSH servers are being targeted as part of a new campaign that deploys different variants of a malware called ShellBot. “ShellBot, also known as PerlBot, is a DDoS Bot malware developed in Perl and characteristically uses IRC protocol to communicate with the C&C server,” AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC) said in […]

HinataBot – A New Botnet Could Launch Massive 3.3 Tbps DDoS Attacks

The security analysts at Akamai recently identified a new botnet called HinataBot, based on Golang. Apart from this, HinataBot has been observed exploiting the already-known security flaws in routers and servers to gain unauthorized access to launch DDoS attacks. At the beginning of the year, researchers uncovered this new botnet that had been operating for […]