A credential stuffing attack exposed names, addresses, social security numbers, tax numbers & DOB of 35,000 PayPal accounts

After a credential stuffing attack on December 6, which gave hackers access to names, addresses, Social Security Numbers, individual tax identification numbers, and dates of birth, PayPal is in the process of mailing breach notification letters to almost 35,000 of its customers. The breach, which took place between December 6 and December 8, was brought […]

New Unpatched Bug Could Let Attackers Steal Money from PayPal Users

A security researcher claims to have discovered an unpatched vulnerability in PayPal’s money transfer service that could allow attackers to trick victims into unknowingly completing attacker-directed transactions with a single click. Clickjacking, also called UI redressing, refers to a technique wherein an unwitting user is tricked into clicking seemingly innocuous webpage elements like buttons with […]

New vulnerability on Mac provides full access to iCloud accounts, PayPal and more of the affected users, as well as granting access to their microphone, camera and screen. The greatest reward ever delivered by Apple

This week, a young cybersecurity researcher demonstrated how to hack the webcams of Mac devices to leave the devices completely open to other attack variants. Ryan Pickren submitted his report to Apple through its rewards program, earning $100,500 USD for his report, the largest reward the company has ever delivered. The young researcher mentions that […]

Phishing Attacks Mostly Impersonate Microsoft, Netflix & PayPal Accounts

Phishing attacks are evolving in their approach. The latest report from Vade Secure concludes that big consumer software companies like Microsoft, Netflix, and Payal were impersonated by hackers to carry out the most phishing attacks. Phishing attacks in 2018 utilized social engineering to steal people’s credentials. The steps involved in phishing attacks remain the same. […]

PayPal Anti-Ransomware Patent: End of Its Effectiveness?

Ransomware attacks and massive infections have been plaguing the business and even personal computing since 2017. Creating an atmosphere of fear makes people do something that is otherwise unbelievable, like paying for the ransom just to “recover” the lost files due to ransomware infection. Ransomware is a cash cow for the cybercriminals, with WannaCry alone […]

New ransomware steals PayPal data with phishing link in ransom note

Ransomware is a reality and threat actors are using it quite avidly and frequently nowadays in order to make easy money. According to the new findings of MalwareHunterTeam, there is in-development ransomware that can encrypt your files, steal credit card information and steal PayPal credentials using the phishing page. The ransomware is not extraordinary in its […]

PayPal Block The Hacker News

Well, Paypal just killed Hacker News, and does this means the beginning of the end. With thousands and thousands of followers on line, The Hacker News,” is a preferred cybersecurity information portal, which PayPal has reportedly blacklisted, without any reason. The report on Breitbart reads how the Hacker News, which has over 516,000 Twitter followers […]

Nasty Android malware found stealing its victims’ PayPal funds

Another day, another Android malware – This time, according to the latest findings of ESET’s IT security researchers, there is a new malware in Google Play Store that hijacks PayPal account to steal money – Researchers assessed that the malware is specifically targeting Android users and steals no less than $1,000. The malware was first […]

Vulnerabilities in Square and PayPal affect mobile points of sale

There are bugs in lots of points of sale that compromise mobile payment systems Several vulnerabilities in the mobile point of sale devices (mPOS) software have been disclosed. These services are used in mobile card readers that have emerged as an alternative payment controller and less expensive option for small and medium-sized business. Researchers in enterprise network security have […]

ROBOT Attack: 19-Year-Old Bug Returns With More Power To Target Facebook & Paypal

A team of security researchers has developed a modified version of the decryption attack first revealed in 1998 by cryptographer Daniel Bleichenbacher. The attack can compromise a website’s RSA encryption by decrypting the data using the private key of the TLS server. It was possible because of the vulnerability present in the RSA algorithm used […]