Internet users hit with Breaking Bad Theme Crypto-Malware

To demonstrate their creativity cybercriminals have released a new ransomware equipped with file encryption abilities and this time they have chosen logo of “Los Pollos Hermanos” fast food chain featured in famous TV show “Breaking Bad.”  No matter how much we condemn cybercriminals for their deeds we cannot deny that they have been demonstrating their […]

Seemingly Legit Resume actually contains Crypto-Malware

The malicious email, targeted at a company’s resume screening department, is equipped with file encryption capabilities. A new ransomware having capabilities of file encryption is being flung at the company workers that perform resume screening for job seekers. This malware is distributed through a short and precise email message that appears legitimate and informs about […]

Police Dept. in Massachusetts Paid Crypto-Malware Ransom to Retrieve Files

Ransomware equipped with encryption capabilities has been victimizing police departments rather indiscriminately nowadays. Although paying ransom to hackers is not recommended because it encourages cybercriminals to continue adopting these measures to obtain money via blackmailing but in order to avoid losing data that has been encrypted through malware activity is next to impossible. The only remedy […]

US Police Dept Pays Crypto-Malware Ransom to retrieve sensitive records

Midlothian Village, Illinois, Police Department became the target of ransomware having file-encryption capabilities and hence, the department had to give in to the demands of the hackers for retrieving sensitive police records. It happened in January when a department member opened a compromised email pointing to the malicious software. However, this is not an entirely […]