Linux Lexicon: Getting Started With Linux | fossBytes

We, the people at fossBytes, have always been supportive of the Open Source Movement (so much that even the name of our site has ‘FOSS’ embodied in it *chuckles*). And at its core, there is Linux Kernel (pun intended). Be it the smallest Android smartphone or the biggest of servers, Linux has become the very […]

Getting Started With Linux: Part III (Command Line)

Today, we are bringing to you our third article in the “Getting Started With Linux” series. The part III deals with the command line in Linux. Once you’ve installed Linux, you can start doing your work right away. (To learn how to install Linux, read part 1 and part 2 of this getting started with […]

Getting Started with Linux: Part II (Installation and more)

Read the Part 1 and Part 3 of Getting Started with Linux : Choosing the desired Linux distribution and Command Line After downloading a desired Linux distribution, you can try it out using these methods:  Install Linux virtually – If you already have a machine running Windows, Mac or another Linux distro, and you don’t want to remove or […]

Getting Started With Linux : Part-1 (Choosing a Distribution)

There are hundreds of Linux distributions to choose from. Each of them has their merits. Some of them have their separate package managers, desktop managers, repositories; some of them are derived from others, so they share some behaviorism. It is not possible to compare each other as each Linux distribution is modified according to needs. […]

Btrfs — Getting Started With This Cutting Edge Linux Filesystem

Short Bytes: Btrfs is a cutting edge filesystem that offers many features like Copy-on-Write, snapshots, and RAID which we’ll be looking at in this article. A wide variety of configurations can be achieved using just the Btrfs mkfs command. Btrfs is considered as the next-generation Linux filesystem. You can read all about it here in […]

Getting Started With Kali Linux

This post is for so many of the people in the community asking for and having problems installing Kali Linux. Here is a guide to getting started with Kali Linux. First of all, there are two ways to install and use Kali Linux, a complete installation, or in some Virtual Box like VMware or Virtual […]