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Hacker Leaks 13 million emails and passwords in 000Webhost Breach

A security researcher (Troy Hunt), who owns the website (haveibeenpwned) have discovered a possible breach of webhosting service 000Webhost servers. Basically, hunt’s site provides information on whether a user’s data has ever been breached online. So, an unknown user recently contacted the researcher and told him about a data breach taking place in an attack […]

30 Toughest Questions Asked In Apple Interviews

Short Bytes: Apple boasts one of the best workforces in the tech world with employees ranging from a software engineer to a salesman. As expected, getting a job at the most valuable company of the world isn’t an easy task. Do you want to know what kind of questions are asked in the interviews at […]

Facebook, WhatsApp Users can be tracked down by hackers

A group of researchers have demonstrated how locations of Facebook and WhatsApp users can be exposed by a security flaw in 4G networks. When a user connects to a 4G network what happens is that they are assigned a special TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity), which is an 8 digit number. TMSI only stores the data in […]

The great car hacking debate

Can cars be hacked remotely or is the idea of remotely hackable cars still only a hypothetical threat? Evidence is presented to help answer this question.

How Innocent Copy-Paste Leaks Your Previous Embarrassing Google Searches

Short Bytes: Our innocent habit of copy-paste is reflected when we send the URLs of search pages as some reference to our friends. But, it comes with the risks of exposing your previous searches, if done carelessly. Read the post to know the risk involved and how to avoid it.  Using the Google search to […]

Multi-stage exploit installing trojan

ESET researchers receive and analyze thousands of new malware samples every day. Earlier this year, one of them caught our attention because it was not an ordinary executable file, but a preference file used by a specific program. Further analysis quickly revealed the file actually is malicious and exploited a vulnerability in the software in […]

Google HTTP Search, yes, it is still possible

  Google began to implement SSL on its search engine back in 2010. First on its own domain name, then as a mandatory feature for logged in Google users, and after a while for all users on the main Google Search website. Workarounds to use HTTP instead of HTTPS on Google Search existed ever since […]

Fewer IPsec VPN Connections at Risk from Weak Diffie-Hellman

A challenge has been made against one of the conclusions in a potentially blockbuster academic paper on cryptographic weaknesses that may be the open door through which intelligence agencies are breaking encrypted connections. The paper, “Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice,” claims that a massively resourced agency such as the NSA could build […]

Jaguar car hack in New Zealand

A Jaguar XFR may have been stolen using hacking techniques increasingly seen on keyless cars. This unidentified thief did not have the key, which was locked safely away inside the dealership, nor was the car unlocked when it was taken. The car was stolen, it has been concluded, using an electronic device used to hack […]

Anonymous Vows To Leak Personal Information of 1,000 KKK Members

The online hacktivist Anonymous is planning to leak personal information of around 1000 members of the white supremacist Christian organization the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Last year, anonymous gave a brutal response to Ku Klux Klan when they threatened the Ferguson protestors. Many of KKK’s websites went offline; members were exposed (their identities were made public) and […]

Facebook “Message Requests” Lets You Talk to People You’re Not Friends With

The most common problem you may face on social media platforms like Facebook is receiving unwanted messages from strangers. But, Facebook’s new feature will help you overcome this problem and will make it easier for you to identify the strangers and the people you already know. The new feature that Facebook will be rolling out over […]

US Army Experts Call for military bug bounty program AVRP

US Army Military experts urge the establishment of an Army Vulnerability Response Program (AVRP),  a sort of military bug bounty program. What happen when bug hunters have to work with high sensitive environment? An interesting post published by the Cyber Defense Review raises the discussion about the was way to handle vulnerabilities in the information security infrastructure of the […]

Timing attack vulnerability in most Zeus server-sides

Timing attacks has proven practical since 96′ as shown in a paper by Paul C. Kocher. In his paper Paul demonstrate how, by effectively measuring the amount of time required for private key operation, one could completely uncover the private key. This attack was shown to be effective against widely known crypto-systems such as Diffie-Hellman, […]

Fake Chrome browser replaces real thing and serves up unwanted ads

Does your Chrome browser seem a little “off”, but you can’t figure out why? Maybe it’s eFast. Here’s another reason to slow down when installing software, especially free software. A new Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) disguised as the Google Chrome browser is sneaking onto users computers bundled with legitimate software, hidden deep within the ‘Custom’ […]

Train rider has his contactless card e-pickpocketed

It could have been just another one of those jostlings that happen on the train: a man bumped into a writer for SC Magazine. Except, as Roi Perez tells it, it all seemed a bit deliberate: the guy slowly bumped into him – and his pocket – for a bit too long. He said that […]

Germany Suspects, Will Investigate Google and Facebook Over Data Transfers

Short Bytes: The European Union has many a times been apprehensive of the US-based tech companies, especially on the matters of privacy and data security. Now, Germany has raised concerns over the illegal data transfers from the EU to the US by the global companies like Facebook and Google. The rift between the European and American […]

FBI Wants You To “Just Pay The Ransom” to Cyber Criminals

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has stated that it’s completely fine to pay ransom to cyber criminals.  If you are a fan of Hollywood movies you may be familiar with a statement that FBI  has a very strict policy statement “Never negotiate with the terrorists.” But, the same investigation bureau believes that cyber criminals asking […]

Senate Passes Controversial Cybersecurity Act

Despite its controversial nature, the US Senate has passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA). Detractors are concerned because CISA would open up an information exchange between the public and the private sectors: government would give companies classified information about potential threats, but the bill also incentivizes companies to funnel information to local law enforcement […]

Hackers Target Video Gamers with Sophisticated Phishing Scam

Video gamers have found themselves the target of a new type of scam. No malware or hacking into the games rather a simple phishing scam which is filling scammers’ pockets. Scammers have been found to be sending emails to the gamers portraying themselves as the officials from the gaming companies claiming that they will take legal […]

New App Aims to Cure Blindness For Visually Impaired

With computers starting to help normal human beings to navigate better around the world, robotics and AI are all set to help the visually impaired to navigate around the world without any help. Scientists from IBM Research and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) are working on solutions that will turn this into reality. At the moment, […]