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Wikileaks Releases Documents From CIA Boss John Brennan’s Email Account

The CIA boss John Brennan had his AOL-based email account hacked earlier this week by pro-Palestinian hackers — Now WikiLeaks has leaked some of the email content to public under the name of The CIA Files. Wikileaks has announced that they have the access to the contents of the recently hacked email account of John Brennan […]

New attacks on Network Time Protocol can defeat HTTPS and create chaos

Exploits can be used to snoop on encrypted traffic and cause debilitating outages. New attacks on Network Time Protocol can defeat HTTPS and create chaos Serious weaknesses in the Internet’s time-synchronization mechanism can be exploited to cause debilitating outages, snoop on encrypted communications, or tamper with Bitcoin transactions, computer scientists warned Wednesday. The vulnerabilities reside […]

How to root Xiaomi smartphones effectively

My new Xiaomi Mi 4c smartphone arrived yesterday after an  interlude with a German customs agent and several days of delay. I first thought that I had to fight my way through a Chinese language interface but that was thankfully not the case. Since I want to run custom modifications on the device, I had […]

Oracle Quarterly Security Update Patches 154 Vulnerabilities

Oracle on Tuesday patched 154 vulnerabilities in 54 different products as part of its regularly scheduled Critical Patch Update. More than half of the patches, 84 to be exact, address vulnerabilities that Oracle claims may be remotely exploitable without authentication. Oracle patch vulnerability Java SE is responsible for 24 of the vulnerabilities, seven which are […]

Apple fixes 49 security bugs in iOS 9.1; kills jailbreak

Jailbreak team PanguTeam was credited with finding two security flaws. Apple fixes 49 security bugs in iOS 9.1; kills jailbreak Apple has fixed 49 separate security vulnerabilities in iOS 9.1. The company, which released the software on Wednesday for iPhones and iPads, detailed the flaws in its updated security documentation. Two of the fixes were […]

WikiLeaks Is Publishing the CIA Director’s Hacked Emails

WIKILEAKS MAY DESCRIBE itself as an outlet for whistleblowers, but it’s never hesitated to publish stolen documents offered up by a helpful hacker, either. So it’s no surprise that it’s now leaked the pilfered files of the CIA’s director, John Brennan. CIA Director John Brennan On Wednesday, the secret-spilling group published a series of selected […]

Apple Claims New iPhones are “impossible” to Hack

The CIA and the FBI are always looking for backdoors in Apple devices, in fact, the agency spent years trying to hack iPhone and iPads according to documents released by NSA’s Edward Snowden. Now, with the new upgraded operating systems, Apple has termed it “impossible” to access any data from Apple devices. Though, the company can […]

How A Researcher Hacked iKettles to Steal WiFi Passwords All Across London

Short Bytes: A security researchers from the Pen Testers Partners has revealed that the smart iKettles in your homes are very “insecure.” This device could be used to leak your home’s private WiFi password and take over your digital life. The IoT security is much-debated topic that needs more attention in near future. It might […]

With goal of universal HTTPS, Let’s Encrypt reaches important milestone

Free service backed by EFF is now trusted by all major browsers. A nonprofit effort aimed at encrypting the entire Web has reached an important milestone: its HTTPS certificates are now trusted by all major browsers. The service, which is backed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mozilla, Cisco Systems, and Akamai, is known as Let’s […]

3 Students Arrested for Hacking the School Computer and Changing Their Grades

Short Bytes: An incident of hacking into the school computer systems and changing the subject grades has been spotted in a New York high school. Three students have been accused and arrested for conducting this act. Three students from a New York high school were recently arrested and accused of hacking into school computer system, where […]

’10-second’ hack jogs Fitbits into malware-spreading mode

To avoid viral stains, go jogging alone or with Bluetooth binned. A vulnerability in FitBit fitness trackers first reported to the vendor in March could still be exploited by the person you sit next to on a park bench while catching your breath. The athletic-achievement-accumulating wearables are wide open on their Bluetooth ports, according to […]

Support scams that plagued Windows users for years now target Mac customers

Swindlers impersonate Apple service that remotely accesses user desktops. For years, scammers claiming that they’re “calling from Windows” have dialed up Microsoft customers and done their best to trick them into parting with their money or installing malicious wares. Now, the swindlers are turning their sights on Mac users. Researchers at antivirus provider Malwarebytes spotted a […]

Academics Find Critical Flaws in Self-Encrypting Hardware Drives

Some consumer-grade, self-encrypting external hard drives are littered with security vulnerabilities that render their encryption an afterthought. An academic paper published in late September took apart a number of drives manufactured by Western Digital that suffer from flaws that are trivial to exploit and put any data stored on the hardware at risk. Six hardware […]

Microsoft Debuts Its First Release of Homemade SSH for Windows

Short Bytes: Working to fulfill its promise, Microsoft has released the first build of the Windows Powershell version of SSH tool. The code has been made publicly available on GitHub where developers can modify and improve it. Long back in June, Microsoft revealed its intentions to bring SSH for Windows and contributing to the OpenSSH […]

Hackers Transform Malware into Chrome Lookalike Browser

Researchers have discovered a malware that takes over Chrome as a browser and looks quick similar to chrome in every aspect. The malware is based on Chromium open-source software which allows it to maintain the same interface as chrome and for a normal user this thing is very difficult to identify. The browser instead of […]

Malware Is Using the Dark Web to Stay Hidden

The dark web is well known as a space where anything can be bought or sold: guns, drugs, stolen data, and extreme pornography are all relatively easy to get hold of with a few clicks of a mouse. But anonymity networks such as Tor, as well as the hidden sites they facilitate, can also act […]

This Malware Deletes Your Chrome Browser and Replaces It With a Fake One

Short Bytes: A new malware named eFast Browser looks just like Google Chrome. This malware deletes Google Chrome and replaces by installing it itself as your default internet browser to serve you annoying ads. Know how to spot it and delete it. A new malware is in the town that is disguising itself as Google Chrome […]