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Did you say “Advanced” Persistent Threats?

Once in a while we get to spend time analyzing malicious code that is not as widespread as other threats we’ve encountered. Here we analyze a targeted attack used in Taiwan and Vietnam – but is this ‘APT’ really that advanced?

Obama: I am not allowed to use iPhone for ‘security reasons’

Wednesday: I am not allowed to use iPhone for security reason: President Barak Obama. President Barak Obama has given an unusual statement during a meeting with American youth in order to promote his healthcare law in which he revealed that due to ‘security reasons’, he is not allowed to use Apple‘s iPhone yet he still uses iPad , Apple’s tablet […]

Oh look, a hacked package delivery drone

News of Amazon’s plans to use aerial drones to deliver packages raises the prospect of clashing values in areas like use of air space and technology, not to mention privacy and plain old malice.

Hackers Steal 2 Million Facebook, Gmail and Twitter Passwords in a Massive Hack

An InfoSec company TrustWave has reported that unknown hackers have stolen usernames and passwords of two million accounts at Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and others high profile companies. The company revealed that hack was a result of a keylogging software installed maliciously on unknown but thousands of personal computers around the globe. The installed malware took screenshots […]

Oregon State’s City of Amity and Sutherlin City Websites Hacked by Iranian hackers

An Iranian hacker going with the handle of ‘hossein19123’ from Ashiyane Digital Security Team has hacked and defaced the official websites of City of Amity and Sutherlin City, Oregon, United States. Hackers left deface pages along with messages on both hacked website. The deface message was expressed in following words: Your Box 0wn3z By hossein19123! Ashiyane Digital Security […]

Protest against election fraud continues as Anonymous hacks more Honduras government portals

Yesterday, we reported how “ Anonymous Honduras ” hacked and defaced high profile Honduras government websites including Interpol and State Police websites against electoral fraud in country’s vice presidential election.  Today, the same Anonymous Honduras has targeted more high profile government portals, ministries and institutes against electoral fraud in country’s vice presidential election. In today’s hack, Anonymous hacked and defaced websites […]

Anonymous hacks and defaces Interpol Honduras and State Police websites against electoral fraud

The online hacktivist group ‘Anonymous Honduras‘ has hacked and defaced 6 high profile Honduras government ministries websites against the alleged fraud in country’s presidential elections. Hacked websites belong to Interpol Honduras, two websites of National Police of Honduras, Superintendent of Public Alliance, Honduras, Ministry of Culture and Zolitur Island under Ministry of Tourism. Anonymous left […]