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Telecom NZ ‘s 80,000 Yahoo Xtra Email accounts Hacked

Yahoo Inc, keeping up with its poor security has now compromised more then 80,000 users from Telecom NZ. Telecom NZ a New Zealand based communications service provider (CSP), providing fixed line telephone services, a mobile network, an internet service provider (through its subsidiary Xtra), and a major ICT provider to NZ businesses (through its Gen-i division). It […]

68 Chilean Websites Hacked by AnonGhost

The well known AnonGhost hacker has hacked defaced 68 Chilean based website yesterday.  The hacker contacted me via email told that he will keep on hacking for cause no matter which country it is. AnonGhost left his deface page along with a deface message against the governments of the world which states that:  To the […]

#Op Myanmar: Mongolian Police Official Website Hacked and Defaced by ViruS Noir

The official website of Mongolian Police website has been hacked and defaced by Virus Noir from Moroccan Agent Secret for #Op Myanmar. The hacker who contacted me via email told that reason for hacking the site is to boast moroal for #Op Myanmar, test his skills and have some fun. Virus Noir left his deface page along with a […]

Facebook Hacked but User Data Remains Safe

The social media giant Facebook has released a statement accepting that it was hacked in January when its employers accidentally downloaded a malicious malware compromising the site security.  The incident occurred when some of the Facebook employers visited a mobile developer website that was already hacked  hosting an exploit which then allowed malware to be installed on these employee laptops.  The statement further […]

Elasher University of Egypt website hacked by Pak Cyber Eaglez

Pakistani hackers from Pak Cyber Eaglez group has hacked and defaced official website of Egyptian based Elasher University (  The hackers contacted me via email explained that main reason to hack the site was to show their power and force the admin to secure their site. The site was left with group’s deface page and […]

Obama issues order on defense against cyber attacks

U.S. President Barack Obama plans to release a long-awaited executive order aimed at improving cyber security were realised Tuesday.

The order is designed to better protect the country’s critical infrastructure from cyber attacks that are a growing concern to the economy and national security, according to Reuters.

IBN TV & 150 Websites Hacked by Pak Cyber Eaglez

A Pakistani based Pak Cyber Eaglez group has hacked a 150+ UK based websites including the website of an online Christian entertainment channel broadcast from the UK. The hackers contacted me via email explained that it was a collective attack, the reason for attacking UK based sites was to show them the power of Pakistan and […]

Security Firm Bit9 Hacked, Targeting Users via Malware

Bit9, a company that provides high profile network security and software solution to the United States government and many other firms all over the country was compromised, as a result the unknown hackers installed a malware on the security provider’s website which was found targeting its daily users and costumers into hacking attempts.  The company […]

Cyber criminals now targeting mobile users social media, What to do?

3 to 4 year years back cyber criminals were having less advantage in hacking a social networking account as it only allowed him to reach to victim’s personal information and nothing other then it. But, today the scenario has totally changed people around the world are using their social networking account as means of trading, […]

George Bush Sr’s emails hacked, photos leaked by Guccifer

A hacker going with the handle of Guccifer has hacked private emails and photographs of former US president George HW Bush and his family.  It is believed that hacked emails have the personal contacts and details of Bush and his family member.  BBC reports that one leaked photograph which is now public on the internet shows the 88-year-old […]

It’s a wonderful hoax

In a world where nothing seems to be constant but change, it’s good to know that there are, in fact, some things that change fairly slowly. Unfortunately, readiness to believe and spread hoaxes is one of them.

Iran Shows Video Footage of Hacked US Spy Drone

Iran has finally released a video footage of hacked US surveillance drone captured in 2011.  BBC reports that It is yet unclear if the video is genuine or not was broadcasted on Iranian state television show a US base and the Afghan city of Kandahar. The video was recorded by Drone. In 2011 Iran had […]

20 Israeli Websites Hacked by Virus Noir

Well known Virus Noir hacker has contacted us with his latest cyber attack where 20 Israeli websites were hacked and defaced earlier today. Virus Noir who is a hacker from Morocco, left his deface page along with a message on all 20 hacked websites which bashes the Israeli government for injustice  against the Palestinian people. […]

UK cyber security strategy “beginning to deliver benefits”

According the UK’s National Audit Office (NAO) the Cyber Strategy outlined in November 2011 has started to deliver benefits but more must be done. According to the NAO the cost of cyber crime to the UK is estimated to be between £18 billion and £27 billion. Business, government and the public must therefore be constantly

Bush family e‑mails stolen in online attack

Several email accounts belonging to family members of former President George W. Bush were hacked and the contents made public, exposing private data, correspondence and personal photos, according to The Smoking Gun. The apparent hack affected email threads between several members of the Bush family, including both former U.S. Presidents. According to the report, the

True Stories Behind The Names Of 20 Tech Giants You Should Know

We all have been using Nokia, skype, Wikipedia and a number of tech services like this since a long time. But, have we ever imagined what the background of all these tech-giants is? Well, in this article we will cover a brief history relating 20 of the tech-giants online. Fascinated? So, then without wasting a […]