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Alda is a New “Music Programming Language” that Anybody Can Use

Short Bytes: Developer Dave Yarwood has developed a music programming language Alda. Without any previous programming language experience, musicians can write music with the simple syntax. Today, to compose digital music, producers and composers need to make use of sophisticated tools. Everything about the way digital music is produced is about to change, thanks to […]

Facebook Sued Again Over Its Creepy Facial Recognition Software

The social network’s face-recognition software has been sued again and to add salt to their wounds, privacy groups also have issued warnings. It does sound hilarious and somewhat exaggerated, but it is true that a class-action lawsuit has been filed by Illinois residents against Facebook Inc., for the fourth time this year. [must url=””]Facebook Algorithm […]

iPhone Saves Man’s Life by Stopping a Bullet from Close Range

For those who were complaining about the size of iPhone 5, this guy from the Fresno State owes his life to iPhone 5. A smartphone can take a life and it can also save a life, same happened with a Fresno state student who was on his way home when an unidentified gunman, in an attempt to […]

Homemade Helicopter Powered By 54 Miniature Drones

Last week, a YouTube user posted a video on his profile in which he recorded a test flight of his homemade personal helicopter that is powered by 54 miniature drones. The creator, apparently “gasturbine101”, gave a name to his machine, “Swarm Manned Aerial Vehicle Multirotor Super Drone”. But since it is a manned flying machine […]

How to Run Ubuntu Phone in Windowed Mode

Short Bytes: Ubuntu powered phones are gaining popularity each day and we are here with a tweak to run Ubuntu Phone in windowed mode. Learn how to do this in few simple steps. With the first Ubuntu phones going on sale all around the world, new tweaks and features of the mobile OS are coming into […]

Photos of Drowned Syrian Boy Exploited by Spammers on Facebook

Endangering Humanity: Spammers steep to the lowest level of cruelty — Exploiting the shocking pictures of drowned Syrian boy is plain Inhuman. This week has been extremely difficult, trying and emotionally stirring for The internet and social media users because this is the week when the photos of the lifeless body of a Syrian boy […]

New Option in Google Docs Allows You to Type with Your Voice

Move over boring typing, now Google docs have an NEW VOICE and it is AWESOME! We need typing no more: delete, space shift return or space all thanks to the new voice typing feature in Google Docs. However, we need to be really attentive as we type and keep that keyboard at bay. The above-written […]

Genieo Adware Installer Left Mac OS X Keychain Vulnerable

Security researchers have found out that the latest version of the ever-popular Genieo installer adware has fetched a new system to access the Mac Keychain without any prior involvement from the user, allowing this adware to access and distribute sensitive data and user credentials stored within the credential manager. In a nutshell, what Genieo adware […]

Linux Kernel 4.2 Released With Improved Cryptography

Short Bytes: Earlier this week, Linux Kernel 4.2 was released. The new kernel improves cryptographic features with new random number generator and support for new standards. Earlier this week, after eight release candidates, Linux Kernel 4.2 is available. According to the Linux founder Linus Torvalds, only a few fixes were needed in the last week’s release. This […]

Google, Netflix, Microsoft, Mozilla, Amazon Join Forces To Kill Flash

Seven of the most prominent Internet and tech firms unite to build a next generation of royalty-free video codec in an attempt to provide users around the world with new formats and advanced codecs for enhanced media experience on the Web across various devices. The founding members of this alliance include Google, Netflix, Microsoft, Mozilla, […]

New Tool Reveals Your Personality Through Facebook ‘Likes’

This tool has been developed by the University of Cambridge and uses Facebook Likes data to estimate a person’s key psychological traits, and political/religious views. Have you ever thought about the massiveness of your Facebook data? It includes almost everything that you do on Facebook from the profiles you check, the amount of time spent […]

Details No One Should Keep on Facebook

If you are using Facebook, there is certain information which should never be used whatsoever. The primary reason behind using Facebook is to share your life and views with friends and family but don’t ever share these five personal bits of information on the social network – ever because when it comes to Facebook, some details are […]

Despite Rising Privacy Concerns, 75 Million Devices Running Windows 10

It looks as if users really don’t care for their online privacy — That’s why despite all the privacy concerns Windows 10 is now in 75 Million devices worldwide? Microsoft’s latest Windows operating system, Windows 10, which is being offered as a free upgrade for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 users, is now successfully […]

Virginia teen sentenced for 11 years for Managing Pro-ISIS Twitter Account

A US court has sentenced a 17-year old Virginia teen for 11 years in prison after his association with the so-called Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) was proved. Reportedly, the accused Ali Shukri Amin, handled a powerful pro-ISIS Twitter account (@Amreekiwitness) which had attracted some 4,000 followers by the time it was officially shut down. Through this Twitter […]

Samsung Smart Refrigerator Hacked, Left Gmail Login Credentials Vulnerable

Did you ever think that your refrigerator could be hacked? Welcome to the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) where our everyday items are being equipped with Internet connectivity. All of these technological advancements and smarter devices are supposed to make our life easier, but now it seems like these revolutionary devices are making […]

Android Devices Vulnerable to Certifi-Gate Flaw Exploited By Remote Support Apps

Officials at Check Point, the IT security vendor, have discovered a rogue app on the Google Play Store that is exploiting the recently identified Certifi-gate bug. Recordable Activator (downloaded by 6,083 users), the application that has been accused of this malicious behavior, is a screen-recording app that was created by Invisibility, a UK-based company. [must […]

Prevent Windows 10 From Spying On Your Search Data

In the beginning of this month, Microsoft released the public version of their latest operating system Windows 10, which has already been installed on more than 75 million different devices despite of its ever-rising privacy and security reports about snooping on users. Due to Microsoft’s privacy, Torrent trackers have now started to put a ban […]

Drone Caught Delivering Drugs, X-Rated DVDs, Firearm at a High-Security Prison

The state of Maryland has witnessed an unusual case of package delivery; two individuals were found attempting to smuggle a few articles of contraband into the Cumberland prison, using a drone as their mode of delivery. The two men (Thaddeus Shortz and Keith Brian Russell) were located and arrested on Highway 220, which is in […]