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wpbf – WordPress Brute Force Tool

wpbf is a Python-based bruteforce tool for remotely testing password strength, username enumeration and plugin detection on a WordPress site. How It Works The script will try to login to the WordPress dashboard through the login form using a mixture of enumerated usernames, a wordlist and relevant keywords from the blog’s content. If a single […]

InstaBrute – Instagram Bruteforce Exploit Module

Instabrute exploit module bruteforces usernames and password for any given account. Features Check username existence Check password for a given username Dependencies Mechanize CookieLib Simplejson OptParse Selenium Usage: usage: git clone cd instaBrute pip install selenium pip install Mechanize pip install Simplejson pip install OptParse pip install Mechanize python -h ( for Helper) […]

BitCracker – BitLocker Password Cracking Tool

BitLocker is a full-disk encryption feature available in recent Windows versions (Vista, 7, 8.1 and 10) Pro and Enterprise. BitCracker is a mono-GPU password cracking tool for memory units encrypted with the password authentication mode of BitLocker (see picture below). Our attack has been tested on several memory units encrypted with BitLocker running on Windows […]

Bruteforcing Web Applications with Wfuzz

Wfuzz is a tool designed for bruteforcing Web Applications, it can be used for finding resources not linked (directories, servlets, scripts, etc), bruteforce GET and POST parameters for checking different kind of injections (SQL, XSS, LDAP,etc), bruteforce Forms parameters (User/Password), Fuzzing,etc Features Multiple Injection points capability with multiple dictionaries Recursion (When doing directory bruteforce) Post, […]

Router Password Kracker – Tool For Cracking Router/Modem/Website Passwords

Router Password Kracker is a free program that allows you to crack your router password. You can also use this tool to recover password from your internet modem or websites which are protected by HTTP BASIC/DIGEST Authentication. Note:This tool only works on devices that are protected by HTTP BASIC/DIGEST Authentication. Router Password Kracker uses Dictionary attack […]

How long will it take to crack your Password?

Kaspersky Lab has released a password strength checking tool, which tells you how long it will take someone to crack your password. “In earlier times, a six-symbol password was safe enough, now users need to invent combinations, which consist of at least eight symbols, but 15 is always better,” said Kaspersky Lab. Kaspersky Lab has […]

Removing a PDF password

Now a days, we all save our data in a Word file or a PDF file. Some have basic information and some have secret information. To secure those files, you might need to put a password on your PDF files because setting a password on your PDF file is very easy and anyone can do […]

Simple Brute Force Method

Brute Forcing is simply testing a list of passwords to a list of usernames and hopefully you will have matched a username and password combination that is correct. There are many disadvantages in using this method to hack, such as time (you need to test thousands if not millions of combination) and most websites now […]

How to crack a password protected Zip file.

Have you ever had that zip file that’s password protected but could not crack the given file and felt all hope is lost , well you have come to the right place. Here is a video showing you how to create a password protected zip file and then crack the password(vice versa) with fcrackzip using […]