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Wearables: where’s the security risk?

At a recent conference on “the future of wearables” I was asked to speak about security. I think my presentation surprised some people because I didn’t focus on the security of wearable devices themselves. This article summarizes what I said, with a link to my slides and some free resources you might find helpful. For

Birds of a feather code together

Lysa Myers, a security researcher at ESET, looks at the diversity challenges and opportunities in information security – while there is much to be done, there’s a lot to be optimistic about she says.

DEF CON – Upgrading your mom’s basement

If Black Hat is becoming the new RSA, then DEF CON is oozing toward Black Hat, it seems, and B-Sides is the new DEF CON. This year it got some Ikea furniture to spruce up its mom’s basement. Not totally commercial, but definitely more – first apartment folding furniture – chic; the basement just got upgraded.

How’s Black Hat in 2015? It grows up (and leaves mom’s basement)

Blackhat grew! Not only did the hacker types leave their mom’s basement and get jobs, some even were forced to start explaining security to the CEO. A few succeeded in this new role, but enough to convince the execs that if something bad happens in IT, it happens to the execs shortly thereafter.

The ABC of information security

There are three fundamental elements that must not be overlooked when starting out in corporate security, summarized as the ‘ABC of information security’.