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Exploitation Tools

BITSInject – Abusing BITS

Windows’ BITS service is a middleman for your download jobs. You start a BITS job, and from that point on, BITS is responsible for the download. But what if we tell you that BITS is a careless middleman? We have uncovered the way BITS maintains its jobs queue using a state file on disk, and […]

MSFPC – MSFvenom Payload Creator

MSFvenom Payload Creator (MSFPC) is a wrapper to generate multiple types of payloads, based on users choice. The idea is to be as simple as possible (only requiring one input) to produce their payload. Fully automating msfvenom & Metasploit is the end goal (well as to be be able to automate MSFPC itself). The rest is to make the […]

Ironsquirrel – Encrypted Exploit Delivery For The Masses

This project aims at delivering browser exploits to the victim browser in an encrypted fashion. Ellyptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (secp256k1) is used for key agreement and AES is used for encryption. By delivering the exploit code (and shellcode) to the victim in an encrypted way, the attack can not be replayed. Meanwhile the HTML/JS source is encrypted […]