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Why we should fight for Net Neutrality

Granting ISPs the right to shape traffic, allowing for some traffic to be prioritized due to a commercial agreement, may have a negative effect on the outcome of using the service for both the consumer and the company providing the service.

Huawei Roots for Cloud Computing to Ensure Data Protection

Huawei seems to be rooting for cloud computing as a strong measure to ensure better data protection, for governments as well as corporations. A senior Huawei executive made this observation via a commentary published by People, Kenya’s daily newspaper. This statement made by Gao Wenli, Deputy CEO, Marketing and Solutions, Huawei, is notable in the […]

ISP privacy – how much should it cost?

ISPs have started to monetize customer information quietly while selling them bandwidth. The temptation is strong, as that kind of aggregate data has real value on the secondary market, but what about the customers’ privacy?