Dark Web Child Pornographer Avoids Jail Due To Asperger Syndrome

In normal circumstances, a pedophile receives harsh punishments, but in this case, a 24-year-old child abuse pornography offender has skipped jail time because he suffers from Asperger syndrome (AS).

Vincenzo Tyrone Wiremu, a New Zealand citizen, shared explicit images of underage boys and girls including toddlers on the Dark Web.

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The images showed children restrained, tied and gagged while suffering from sexual abuse. In total, Wiremu was facing 41 charges of  making, possessing and distributing explicit images and videos

According to Stuff NZ, Christchurch District Court Judge Jane Farish described them as “gross.” Yet, Wiremu was able to skip jail time since he has Asperger syndrome.

In (AS), a person goes through significant difficulties in social interaction along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

Wiremu, a truck driver, will now be under two years supervision and won’t be allowed to use the Internet since he used the notorious dark web for his criminal activities.


The TVNZ reports that Wiremu also used European websites to save objectionable images and videos of children. He also admitted using Dropbox to share images and video with others and setting up a page on social media website Facebook to upload indecent images.

In 2016, Wiremu’s apartment was raided by authorities and collected enough evidence to charge him with online crimes. Initially, the Internal Affairs Department argued six years of imprisonment for Wiremu however due to his medical issue the judge refused to send him to prison.

As of now, Wiremu hasn’t been registered as a child sex offender because the judge feels that the “negative and restrictive nature of the Act” will affect his treatment and end his employment.

Meanwhile, in the United States, a restaurant owner from Miami may face 1,140 Years in prison over child porn content.

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