Scammers Distribute Malware to Drivers in Speeding Ticket Scam

 Scammers Distribute Malware to Drivers in Pennsylvania using Accurate Speeding Data

Scammers and their antics are simply unbelievable. This time, scammers have come up with a unique strategy of malware scam as they are now sending fake emails that appear to be sent by the local police department in Tredyffrin, Pennsylvania. The email poses as a speeding ticket containing a bogus link, which obviously loads malicious code onto the computer systems of the victims. As of now, this email has been sent to local residents. The aspect that makes this new scam unique is that the speeding data is accurate and it includes authentic street names, driving speeds and speed limits, etc. Yet the email is a fake.

Supposedly, the scammers have obtained this data from an application after gaining permission to track GPS data of the phone. This means, scammers either have managed to compromise a legit app or have used a malicious app that is uploaded online.

Example Email:


It, however, doesn’t come as a surprise that the fake email asks for the payment of the speeding ticket while no particular mechanism has been implemented by local police to receive this kind of payments. The link that is present in the email claims to take the user to his or her license plate but in reality, it just infects the computer with malicious code.

Although this scam is currently location-specific but it won’t take long to increase the scope of such campaigns. The inclusion of authentic speeding information, which users believe that only the local police can possess, will definitely deceive then into thinking that the email is sent by the police itself. So, the chances of getting their computer systems infected as quite high.

[src src=”Via” url=””]PhillyMag[/src]

[src src=”Source” url=””]REDYFFRIN POLICE DEPARTMENT[/src]

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