Taylor Swift hacked, but denies naked pictures will be leaked

Singer Taylor Swift has had her Twitter and Instagram accounts hacked, but laughed off claims that the hackers will release nude photographs of her.

Singer Taylor Swift has had her Twitter and Instagram accounts hacked, but laughed off claims that the hackers will release nude photographs of her, reports The Mirror.

Swift – who has the fourth most popular Twitter account in the world – discovered that her account had been hacked on Tuesday morning, but the offending tweets were quickly removed from the service, Reuters reports. “My Twitter got hacked but don’t worry, Twitter is deleting the hacker tweets and locking my account until they can figure out how this happened and get me new passwords,” the singer wrote on her personal Tumblr page.

This post was followed by another shortly after reading simply “This is going to be a long day,” when Swift discovered that her Instagram page had also fallen foul of hackers.

The Guardian reports that the hack was undertaken by someone affiliated with Lizard Squad, the hacking collective that has recently targeted Malaysia Airlines along with gaming services Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, while advertising its own DDoS attack as-a-service product. The hacked tweets invited Swift’s followers to follow a couple of Twitter accounts belonging to those claiming to be affiliated with Lizard Squad.

Both accounts involved – one of which posted proof that it was in control of Swift’s Instagram account – have now been suspended by Twitter, but not before one of them claimed to have naked pictures of the singer, that would be released in return for three Bitcoins (around $788).

However, Swift laughed off this with a tweet that has since been retweeted 41,233 times at the time of writing:

a katz / Shutterstock.com