TorBot – OSINT tool for Deep and Dark Web

TorBot is an open source intelligence tool developed in python. The main objective of this project is to collect open data from the deep web (aka dark web) and with the help of data mining algorithms, collect as much information as possible and produce an interactive tree graph. The interactive tree graph module will be able to display the relations of the collected intelligence data.

TorBot – OSINT tool for Deep and Dark Web

Introduction / Motivation

The idea of developing an open source intelligence tool like TorBot emerged from the deep web itself. Crawling a collection of web pages which has high anonymity and complex data encryption without an index is a tedious task. The crawler in TorBot has to be designed in such a way that the links are identified from a webpage (any webpage) and other links are identified and crawled recursively, then combining all these links to form an index. Each link is then crawled for more links and emails for intelligence information. Unlike surface web discovery tool, a deep web discovery tool is limited for both general and domain-specific search.

Extensive use of Dark web for communication of terrorism-related information makes it a challenge for Law Enforcement Agencies. TorBot should be able to monitor such illegal activities that are happening in this encrypted network. Therefore, this tool will be able to ease the task of finding such activities by an intelligence group or researchers, thus making this the main objective of TorBot.


Though the main objective of TorBot is to identify illegal activities in the deep web and visualize the relations of data collected using a graph, there are several ways this tool can be useful. Like for example, TorBot will be able to crawl and create an index for the deep web. This index can be stored in a database or a JSON file for future use. Other features like live checker will be able to check whether a web address is alive or dead. This is important as the deep web links are constantly changed for privacy and security reasons. For researchers and security enthusiasts the TorBot can be used for checking basic vulnerabilities in a dark web page.

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Working Procedure/Basic Plan

The basic procedure executed by the web crawling algorithm takes a list of seed URLs as its input and repeatedly executes the following steps:

  1. Remove a URL from the URL list.
  2. Check existence of the page.
  3. Download the corresponding page.
  4. Check the Relevancy of the page.
  5. Extract any links contained in it.
  6. Check the cache if the links are already in it.
  7. Add the unique links back to the URL list.
  8. After all URLs are processed, return the most relevant page.


  1. Onion Crawler (.onion).(Completed)
  2. Returns Page title and address with a short description about the site.(Partially Completed)
  3. Save links to database.(PR to be reviewed)
  4. Get emails from site.(Completed)
  5. Save crawl info to JSON file.(Completed)
  6. Crawl custom domains.(Completed)
  7. Check if the link is live.(Completed)
  8. Built-in Updater.(Completed)
  9. Visualizer module.(Not started)
  10. Social Media integration.(not Started) …(will be updated)

OS Dependencies

  • Tor
  • Python 3.x
  • Golang 1.x (Not Currently Used)

Python Dependencies

  • beautifulsoup4
  • pyinstaller
  • PySocks
  • termcolor
  • requests
  • requests_mock
  • yattag
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Basic setup

Before you run the torBot make sure the following things are done properly:

  • Run tor service sudo service tor start
  • Make sure that your torrc is configured to SOCKS_PORT localhost:9050
  • Install TorBot Python requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt

On Linux platforms, you can make an executable for TorBot by using the install.sh script. You will need to give the script the correct permissions using chmod +x install.sh Now you can run ./install.sh to create the torBot binary. Run ./torBot to execute the program.

An alternative way of running torBot is shown below, along with help instructions.

python3 torBot.py or use the -h/--help argument

usage: torBot.py [-h] [-v] [--update] [-q] [-u URL] [-s] [-m] [-e EXTENSION]
                 [-l] [-i]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Show current version of TorBot.
  --update              Update TorBot to the latest stable version
  -q, --quiet           Prevent header from displaying
  -u URL, --url URL     Specifiy a website link to crawl, currently returns links on that page
  -s, --save            Save results to a file in json format
  -m, --mail            Get e-mail addresses from the crawled sites
  -e EXTENSION, --extension EXTENSION
                        Specifiy additional website extensions to the
                        list(.com or .org etc)
  -l, --live            Check if websites are live or not (slow)
  -i, --info            Info displays basic info of the scanned site (very
  • NOTE: All flags under -u URL, –url URL must also be passed a -u flag.

Read more about torrc here : Torrc


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