Data Breach

198 Million American Voters Personal Records Leaked In Public- Biggest Voters Data Leak Ever

A Mis-configured Database that Stored more than 198 million American Voters personal information has been leaked  which is consider as Majority of peoples personal  information among the all US Citizens.

All the  data that contains voter personal information leaked in the Internet and Republican National Committee (RNC)  firm which is responsible for this data breach.

Stored Data server owned by Republic firm Deep Root Analytics where all the Voters data stored in publicly accessible cloud server included 1.1 terabytes of entirely unsecured personal information.

Leaked data belongs to Various Voters  who is from all the political parties in America and Leaked voters approximately 61 percent of the US population.

Exposed data contains home addresses, birth dates, and phone numbers, the records include advanced sentiment analyses used by political groups, gun ownership, stem cell research, and the right to abortion, as well as suspected religious affiliation and ethnicity.

“According to UpGaurd ,The RNC data repository would ultimately acquire roughly 9.5 billion data points regarding three out of every five Americans, scoring 198 million potential US voters on their likely political preferences using advanced algorithmic modeling across forty-eight different categories.”

Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) stored information are publicly accessible that has stored these all the leaked information.

This open access leads to anyone with an internet connection could have accessed the Republican data operation used to power Donald Trump’s presidential victory, simply by navigating to a six-character Amazon subdomain: “dra-dw” Upgaurd said.

Deep Root Analytics Data Warehouse stored  almost 500 hours of video among  1.1 terabytes that contains political importance which indicate clearly.

UpGaurd  found a Folder called “data_trust” in dra-dw Directory stored  two massive stores of personal information collectively representing up to 198 million potential voters.

A spreadsheet forecasting specific voters 0-1 Scale -UpGaurd

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