Data Security

Do not click ‘Hottest Leaked Snapchats’ links on Facebook

Users hoping to see saucy “leaked” footages and pictures of celebs may fall prey to identity fraud- Warns Security Firm BitDefender

Facebook users are in for a surprise if only they click on links promising never-seen-before nude pictures of celebrities from popular messaging app SnapChat.

Renowned security firm BitDefender claims that this latest breed of SnapChat scams is the work of CyberScammers.

You have been warned—a public interest message from BitDefender

The post promises “10 Hottest Leaked Snapchats Ever” and a topless woman’s picture pops up with this message to authenticate the link.

However, sources claim that the link leads to websites that are anything but saucy.

Chief security strategist at BitDefender Catalin Cosoi states that “Fraudulent websites promoting snapchat leaks and other ‘viral’ content could lead to identity fraud and financial losses.”

“Victims are usually subscribed to money-making surveys, and redirected to scams promising electronics or amazing diet pills. Bitdefender advises users to be suspicious of videos, Snapchats and pictures ‘leaked’ online, particularly on Facebook.”

Is it the second most famous Cyberscam till date on Facebook?

According to BitDefender, the 10 Hottest Snapchat Posts is the second most popular scam on social networking website Facebook after last year’s “Check your Top Profile Visitors” scam.

This latest scam involving SnapChat leads to malicious websites like ViralDips, TrendingUSA, ViralTruck and FunChoke, which are sites that according to BitDefender have been blacklisted in its antivirus software.

SnapChat Posts have now become more like Bait to Lure Users:

Unsurprisingly SnapChat pictures are now the apple of hackers’ eyes since the trend of using its posts as bait is rising. This particular app was also the basis of “Snapping,” a very high-profile leak involving photos and videos of popular celebs back in October 2014.

How Snapping Happened?

Snapping occurred due to users’ silliness as they tried to access SnapChat through a third-party service. They didn’t realize that all their images and videos were being saved there and became vulnerable to hacking.

Facebook- World’s favorite Social networking Platform

No doubt Facebook’s popularity still remains matchless since it has now more than 1.35billion active users. However, with blessing comes bane; Facebook’s popularity is the main reason behind so many cyberscams being launched on this network.

Facebook is hackers’ most loved hunting ground because they hope to lure sufficient number of users to malicious websites and steal their data or send malware on their PCs.

Facebook users have become victims of a variety of such scams until now. From tools promising to retrieve passwords of friends or profile appearance and color changing applications to fake Audi R8 giveaways and webcam striptease, Facebook users have been through all.

Not many however know that cyberscams earned hackers a whopping $200million in 2013. Italian researchers claim that it is a multi-million dollar industry.

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