How to Keep Your Web Hosting Account Safe From Hackers

A lot of web hosting service providers offer a safe and secure service when it comes to preventing hackers, but that isn’t going to be enough to stop them in their challenge to get into your hosting account to steal important files. If you have a website for your business that needs to be up at all times, then you should be willing to keep your web hosting account as secure as possible. For helpful tips on how to do this, have a look at some of the basic things you can do which will make a hacker’s job a life of misery.

Use Strong Passwords

The most obvious tip to consider is your password strength. As long as you have a long password that has many characters and numbers, then the chances of hackers being able to crack your password diminish to a much lower percent. It’s hard to keep track of passwords if they are strong, but taking advantage of one of the many password management tools will help you greatly.

Change Your Password Regularly

When you do have a strong password for your web hosting account, make sure you change it regularly as this will make it even harder for a hacker to hack. Most hosting providers recommend you change your password every couple of months, but you can do it as regularly as you would like.

Take Advantage Of cPanel Anti-Virus Tools

Many web hosting providers offer cPanel as a way for their clients to manage their websites easily. cPanel comes with a range of tools that simplify the running of a website, and one of the many tools it does come with is a virus scanner. By using a virus scanner regularly, you can be sure your site is going to be clear of any malicious viruses that have managed to sneak their way in. Of course, there is a chance you will not have cPanel with the provider you are hosted with, but many web hosting control panels will have virus scanning tools to better your website security whether that is cPanel or not.

Keep Your Website Updated

It’s not just your web hosting account you need to look after as hackers will try to get to your files by using their experience with certain content management systems. For example, if you have a website based on the popular WordPress CMS, then you will need to make sure all plugins, themes, and WordPress itself is updated to its latest versions. If you do not keep your site updated, you will find there are certain security flaws that the hackers will be able to take advantage of.

Keeping your web hosting account secure isn’t just beneficial to the uptime of your website, but you will also find that some of your personal details will also be kept safe in the process. Using the above tips will make it a lot harder for hackers to get into your web hosting account, but if you follow some of these other helpful tips, you can make sure your account is as safe as ever.


Image Souce: PixaBay/Pixel Creatures

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Cyber CrimeCyber-AttackHackingInternetpassword