Is Identity Theft Protection Service Worth It?

Digital security concept

Stories of data breach are synonymous with cyber safety. In 2017, about 16.5 million data breach cases were reported – a record number that still worries most online users.

The thought that someone might steal your
identity online is a scary one. If you are too busy to monitor your credit
transactions online or you are not familiar with how credit monitoring works,
you might want to hire an identity
theft protection service
. While these services
are excellent when you have already experienced identity theft, or you are at
high risk of having your credit data stolen, it is worth noting that you can do
everything they do.

How Do Identity Theft
Protection Services Work?

Identity theft protection services follow your
credit transactions online to alert you when there is unauthorized use of your
personal information. However, these services cannot prevent a data breach;
they mostly help you after a breach. The services;

  • Monitor
    your credit transactions
  • Notify
    you of unauthorized use of your data
  • Scan
    devices and update your security software
  • Warn you
    of threats
  • Help you
    recover your identity after it is stolen
  • They also
    watch your credit report for any dubious activities.

Picking the Right Service

Excellent service should monitor more than the three leading credit reporting agencies. It should monitor payday loans sites, changes of addresses, black market sites, court records, and any other site where personal information might be sold or used.

Identity Guard and LifeLock are among the top identity theft protection services. If you decide you need these services, do a quick Identity Guard vs. LifeLock search to determine which service meets your needs. Each of the services has its pros and cons – while LifeLock

Is identity theft protection worth your money?
Yes, if you feel you are at high risk and you have no time to monitor your
transactions online actively.

Identity theft