Linux Kernel Website Banned By Norton

Short Bytes: Symantec’s automated threat analysis system, Norton Safe Web, claims that Linux kernel’s website contains 4 threats and shows a red flag to the users. Looking at Norton’s past record, this threat detection could be just another false warning.

symantec’s online malware scanner claims that, the home to Linux kernel is full of threats.

This automated analysis system of the company has flagged the kernel website red for the Norton users and claims to have found 4 threats on website.

Here’s what this website rating has to say:

Norton Safe Web has analyzed for safety and security problems. Below is a sample of the threats that were found.

The sample of threats include 4 ‘Computer Threats’ and refuses to share more information about this reveal.

Well, Norton’s image is already tarnished in the antivirus industry and such incidents won’t benefit it either.

Just last week Google’s Tavis Ormandy discovered serious security flaws in Symantec’s antivirus engine being used in its antivirus products for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Considering Norton’s other notorious activities, a Linux user would definitely go ahead ignore this piece of warning.


Linux Kernel