New version of Kali Linux 2019.1 with Metasploit 5.0 available

The latest version of the operating system has multiple upgrades and updates

Network security and ethical hacking
specialists from the International Institute of Cyber Security report about the
upcoming release of Kali
2019.1, the most requested operating system by pentesters and information
security enthusiasts.

This Debian GNU/Linux-based operating system
will be launched with Metasploit 5.0, which is considered by many network
specialists to be one of the most trusted frameworks for
penetration testing available on the market.

The tool has been improved in various respects,
featuring a new JSON-RPC daemon, a new search engine and new evasion modules,
writing support for Shell code in C and integrated web services.

Since its launch in 2013, Kali Linux has earned
a place among the cybersecurity community, providing a series of pre-installed
tools within a single operating system. This latest version of the system has
several bug fixes and updates for multiple tools, such as DBeaver, Binwalk,
among others.

According to network security specialists, the
operating system also has an updated kernel that supports the use of
single-plate Banana Pi and Banana Pro equipment.

In addition, the images of the Raspberry Pi
have been simplified even more to help choose one with ease. The latest version
of Kali Linux is available for general use and can be downloaded from their
official website.

Kali LinuxMetasploitPentesting