Why Web Application Security Is Important

Internet security is a complex and perpetually evolving process. However, its importance is undeniable, especially nowadays when ransomware, DDoS attacks, and online identity theft are common. But, unfortunately, the importance of safety in apps is often overlooked.

Insufficient funding and safety negligence inevitably lead to economic and reputational losses. Most companies rely on web developers’ duties, expecting them to create a perfectly secure site susceptible to dangers. This myth is what leads many small business and startup companies to bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, no app is 100% safe. Developers work on optimizing, efficiency, and comfortable navigation, while an online attacker is searching for flaws and non-compliance with security policies. So if you hire a web application developer, don’t expect them to do the job of a cybersecurity expert.

Why Do You Want AppSecurity?

The reason to work on safety is self-explanatory, but it still needs additional explanation since there is an argument that web security is great but it also interferes with how a website functions. For instance, it often stands in the way of usability, makes development excruciating at times, creates endless problems during the testing period, and even makes an app too complicated to function. However, we still need it. But how?

Safe web apps don’t lose data to cyber-bullies

Cybercriminals spend days looking for unprotected data to divert credit card info, leaks, and whole apps. Poorly-made web apps are usually not secure. They can be interfered with at any time. You don’t even need to hire a high-end hacker to break into someone’s server. Most of these processes are automated now.

It is a fact that hundreds of websites get hacked every day meanwhile according to researchers, in 2017, 69% of companies had outdated security solutions and in 2018, 88% of employees have no clue about their organization’s IT security policies.

One of the most exploitable vulnerabilities is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), which allows hackers to manipulate the content of any web application without breaking into the system. These include XSS damages, such as Script Injection or Cross-Site Request Forgery.

Cross-Site Scripting is often used against specific website users for obtaining their accounts or authorizing themselves as an existing company. Another crucial problem is a data leak. However, support teams manage to let that slide through by exposing parts of SQL requests when an error occurs. Similar leaks are a solid foundation for following online attacks. The more web companies know about app security – the better.

Security involves more than testing

Usually, machines do all the testing. These methods are standard. However, they are not 100% secure. Even sites that contain info on website footers need a double-check. Not every machine is as safe as the tester using it. Security doesn’t limit itself to machine testing. Therefore, every self-sufficient company should include several testers to develop a solid web app.

Safety gaps = pay gaps

It is a fact that DDoS attacks against compositor have destroyed business across the globe. In addition, information leaks and frequent cyber-attacks lead to a loss of integrity between a company and its clients.

As a result, not only do sites suffer unmeasurable financial losses, but they also risk getting blacklisted. Search engines usually block sketchy websites and apps with wishy-washy reputations, which is highly undesirable for any business. In addition, potential clients don’t like frequent rebranding and domain changes, so it’s better to think about security issues from the beginning.