Newly Emerging DDoS Botnet Attack on Electrum Takes 152,000 Hosts Under its Control

Newly Emerging DDoS botnet attack that targets one of the most popular bitcoin wallet Electrum and now it reaches the 152,000 infected hosts.

This DDoS Botnet rapidly growing and takes many hosts Under its control since April 24 when the number of infected machines in the botnet was just below 100,000 but its keep increasing and finally reaches the 152k hosts according to the online tracker report.

Electrum users are continuously targeting by a series of phishing attacks since last Dec 2018 and stolen over $4 million USD at current exchange rates.

Due to the weakness in the Electrum software, attackers able to trick users into downloading a malicious version of the wallet from two different rogue projects were active on Github from around December 21 through December 27.

Fake update

But developers behind the Electrum decided to exploit the same flaw in their own software in order to redirect users to download the latest patched version.

Later this incident, threat actors were started to attack the legitimate Electrum servers that lead to overwhelmed the vulnerable clients that connected to malicious nodes.

Researchers from Malwarebytes uncovered the two distribution campaigns (RIG exploit kit and Smoke Loader) that associate with this botnet dropping the ElectrumDoSMiner malware.

Along with this, another loader called Trojan.BeamWinHTTP also involved with this attack that downloading ElectrumDoSMiner from a remote server.

According to Malwarebytes report, “As can be seen in the VirusTotal graphs above and below, there are hundreds of malicious binaries that retrieve the ElectrumDoSMiner. We surmise there are probably many more infection vectors beyond the three we’ve uncovered so far”

Attackers mainly targeting the Asia Pacific region (APAC), especially most bots are located in Brazil and Peru.

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botnetcryptocurrencyDDoS attackElectrum