Operation Power OFF -Authorities Tracking Down the largest Market place offering DDoS-for-hire Services

The Operation Power OFF has taken down the largest illegal market place offering DDoS-for-hire service Webstresser[.]org last April. Authorities collected 151 000 registered users information for the services.

After the services have been taken down, now the authorities tracking down the users enrolled for the DDoS-for-hire service.

Coordinated by Europol along with J-CAT, Dutch police, and British National Crime Agency tracking down the users of this Distributed Denial of Service worldwide.

It was believed that webstresser[.]org have launched 4 million attacks and the payment starts from € 15.00 a month.

The DoS-for-hire service allows the attackers to have a number of remotely connected bots devices to direct traffic to a website or the online platforms.

In the United Kingdom, a number of webstresser[.]org users have recently been visited by the police, who have seized over 60 personal electronic devices and 250 user’s are to be charged for conducting DDoS attacks, reads Europol press release.

In the United Kingdom, a number of webstresser[.]org users have recently been visited by the police, who have seized over 60 personal electronic devices and 250 user’s are to be charged for conducting DDoS attacks, reads Europol press release.

The Netherland police have developed a new project dubbed Hack_Right to deal with the -time offenders and to prevent them from launching series attacks.

Following are countries join to fight against DDoS attacks that include Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Australia, Colombia, Serbia, Switzerland, Norway, the United States.

Last December FBI seized 15 other DDoS-for-hire service websites including the well-known Down them and Quantum and seized all the evidence and the user information.

“Size does not matter – all levels of users are under the radar of law enforcement, be it a gamer booting out the competition out of a game, or a high-level hacker carrying out DDoS attacks against commercial targets for financial gain.”

The users of DDoS-for-hire Services services are high risk, these and booter services allow any low-skilled individual to a high impact DDoS attacks by just a click of the button and knock down the websites offline.

BOTNEbotnetDDoSDDoS attackDDoS-for-Hire service