Facebook Launches Photo Comments

Facebook is now allowing its million of users all around the world to post photo images to their comment box, where you can react to your friend’s status with an image of your own choice.

The catchy update was announced by Facebook officials on Wednesday, allowing user to upload images with the help of  new “Attach a Photo” button.

Facebook engineer Bob Baldwin, who is one among many brains behind this makeover of this new photo option has expressed his views  in these words:

  • When I’m talking with a friend, sometimes showing a photo helps me tell a story much better than words alone. If we’re hanging out in person, I can show a photo from my phone, but on Facebook I’d have to post a link to a photo. Now, you’ll be able to attach a photo directly when posting a comment. I hope this will make threads with friends more expressive and engaging.

Earlier Facebook had introduced hashtag option copied from Twitter in order to attract more users.

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