Facebook Phishing Scam, ’17 dead in a roller coaster accident’

We just got to know that a new phishing scam has started to make rounds on the popular social media network, Facebook.

We expect it to spread rapidly on the Facebook and other social platforms because of its shocking headline.

The phishing website looks identical to that of Facebook and features a link to some footage about 17 dead in a roller coaster accident.

[must url=”https://www.hackread.com/facebook-phishing-scam-posts-links-on-timeline/”]New Facebook Phishing Scam Posts Links on Friends Timeline[/must]

Pictured above is a screenshot of the phishing website availitnow[dot]pw/rollercoasterwin that reads:

(Shocking Video) 17 Dead in a roller coaster accident!


Due to Graphic Content, Viewer Discretion is ADVISED!

Please select the Verify Button and Share to confirm you are over 18.

Select the play button below and verify you are over 18 by logging back in your facebook.

The embedded video in the phishing site is actually a hyperlinked image that links to a phishing page, clicking on it will redirect you to a site that looks similar to the Facebook login page.

A screenshot of that phishing login page availitnow[dot]pw/SigninErw is attached below:

The second phishing page reads:

Facebook Login


The material you are about to view may contain graphic content. Please log in to verify you are 18 and over.

This page prompts you to enter your Facebook credentials to verify your age, but the security experts over at MalwareBytes found out that whether you fill the text boxes or leave it blank, simply clicking on the “Log in” button will redirect you to a YouTube video that is actually a compilation of numerous roller coaster disasters.

[must url=”https://www.hackread.com/hackers-sending-adobe-phishing-email/”]Beware: Hackers Target Users with Adobe Phishing Scam[/must]

Scammers have been using headlines and pictures related to theme park accidents because it attracts most of the users and spreads rapidly. And since Facebook is a popular social media platform, so it has become the one of the easiest targets for most of the hackers and scammers.

Back in June, we discovered not one but three phishing schemes that were specifically targeted towards Facebook user base. An email scam titled “last warning – your account will be disabled”, a phishing scam message titled “Forbidden content”, and a malicious link to phishing site asking for your Facebook login credentials.

So for the safety of your online presence and social media accounts, we will recommend you to verify the reliability of the news you encounter on social media networks, as clicking on such links could lead to theft of your personal information.

Report typos and corrections to admin@hackread.com

[src src=”Source” url=”https://blog.malwarebytes.org/fraud-scam/2015/08/scam-banking-on-roller-coaster-disaster-seen-in-the-wild/”]Malwarebytes[/src]

AlertsfacebookMalwareBytesPhishing scamScams