Google Maps reveal Batman’s cave and Bruce Wayne’s house in 360 degrees

You can now have in awesome inside look at Bruce Wayne’s amazing residence on Google Maps — Enjoy ✋?

Batman fans have now the opportunity to explore Bruce Wayne’s house and the Batman’s Cave on Google Maps’ Street View. The action takes place in conjunction with the release of “Batman vs. Superman movie: Dawn of Justice” on March the 25th.

The film version of the site is not located in Gotham City, as we known but Orion Charter, a city located in the state of Michigan, in the United States. The tour includes a limited version of the hero’s residence, behind the wall view and access to the famous two-story Batcave.

You can explore Batman’s world, both above and below ground, in an interactive Google Maps stroll through the Wayne residence.


This is not the first time that Google Maps incorporated film and television sets into online maps. The platform has also made tributes to franchises like Harry Potter and Doctor Who in the past.

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