
How Data Analytics and AI Solve the Toughest Global Problems

Can technologies combining data analytics and artificial intelligence save the world from its growing problems? Yes, it is possible!

Data has an essential place in the structure of the modern world. Every day, Internet users generate a massive amount of data by creating and sharing posts and making search queries. However, this is only a tiny part of the global data landscape, which continues to grow due to the availability of various passive data collection methods using low-cost information-sensing devices.

Up-to-date processing and analysis methods make it possible to get valuable information from the vast amount of generated and stored data. But why do we need all of this? 

Information plays a vital role in improving the life of society, developing sustainable production, and preserving the environment. People from different industries are interested in using data analytics because it helps them make better decisions.

In addition, the data allows predicting various events and minimizing damage. For example, EOS Data Analytics offers data-driven solutions for agriculture and forestry that provide extensive monitoring, control, and improved management capabilities. In this article, we will talk about how data analytics and artificial intelligence technologies are helping humanity to overcome global challenges.

Epidemics control 

Data analytics and artificial intelligence are used to predict and minimize the spread of disease. The collected historical data is transmitted to AI to recognize patterns and trends and then predict the spread of the disease. To date, this primarily concerns the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Data application enables minimizing the spread by taking appropriate preventive measures. Tracking the movement of people today is easier than ever, which helps to analyze and predict the virus’s path. Thus, it becomes possible to control and prevent the spread of the disease in a specific region. An essential function of artificial intelligence is also to predict virus mutations and help develop vaccines.

Efficient energy consumption 

The energy industry is facing a critical challenge. Energy must be supplied by demand, while humanity consumes a massive amount. From 2000 to 2018, energy consumption grew by 3% per year. Artificial Intelligence offers cost-effective solutions for energy consumption and clean energy production. This technology also has great potential in developing a more sustainable and efficient industry.

Global food crisis prevention

The planet’s population is growing by 1.1% every year. As a result, the demand for food products exceeded the supply. Poverty and natural disasters are the leading causes of the global food crisis. Agriculture and other industries need to follow a sustainable path to tackle this challenge, and AI technology can help. It gives a chance to predict food shortages and help achieve food security. 

Artificial intelligence analyzes data faster than human experts at a much lower cost. Climate change leads to lower yields, but AI can help here too, predicting natural disasters and helping to prevent and manage them.

In addition, data analysis using artificial intelligence helps farmers find the most vulnerable areas and determine the most optimal planting sites. Also, this technology makes a significant contribution to the development of more resistant crops.

Fighting the climate change 

Scientists are now exploring the possibilities of applying data analytics to climate change research. Based on the data obtained, experts create models of the Earth, taking into account existing factors, including the rate of melting of glaciers and sea level and then compare them with historical climatic data.

Thus, scientists can identify patterns and accurately predict the extreme climate effects that will worsen in the next few years. Data analysis also provides an opportunity to determine the effectiveness of various measures to accelerate or mitigate the impact of climate change.

Tackling clean water problems 

The Earth’s growing population needs more food and water for drinking, cooking, watering plants, bathing, and cleaning homes. For this reason, it is necessary to find new methods to promote more efficient use of water.

Data science and analytics can give service providers the tools for water use measuring and control. Data analytics technologies can help manage resource allocation better and reduce environmental impact.  

Innovations in data analysis enable monitoring water resources in real-time, determining their quality and safety for drinking. It is possible to predict the quality of the water and assess its suitability for various purposes in the future, considering rainfall, pollution, and other factors. Regional and local water supply problems can be detected using data science. It is crucial for preventing various epidemics and diseases that spread through the chiefs’ supply systems.

Final thoughts 

Data analytics and artificial intelligence allow the opportunity to gain valuable information about various phenomena and their issues. Using this information enables us to identify patterns, monitor changes, predict and minimize the consequences of multiple events related to climate, resource consumption, public health, etc. These are valuable tools to ensure a more sustainable future for our planet and the people living on it.

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