How To Improve Your Programming Skills Using Free And Open Source Tool Exercism

Short Bytes: After learning the basics of coding, one needs to improve his/her skills to master a language. To help you out in this important process,, an open source tool, has been created. It helps you with its hundreds of practice exercises in 30+ programming languages. Apart from letting you learn to code from the scratch, it also allows the experienced coders to hone their skills.

While some people might claim that learning programming isn’t tough, there are others who find it hard to master the skills. But, with the plethora of online resource available, things have become simpler. From time to time, Fossbytes keeps telling you the secrets to improve programming skills and become a better programmer.

In the past, to help you out, we introduced you to awesome and fun coding resources like Hyperpolyglot, CodinGame, StackOverflow Documentation, and SyntaxDB. In this article, I’m going to introduce you to something called Unlike other tools, this resource aims to increase your programming knowledge by proper planning.

Exercism is regularly updated with new practice problems. It’s an open source project, so, the philosophy of sharing and collaborating is something that’s inbuilt in Exercism. Here, you have the option to solve the exercise in your local environment and discuss the solutions on the website. You can share your experiences and learn further by reading others’ code and feedback. It also provides a support chat to help you get better at coding.

This free online tool to learn programming comes with hundreds of practice problems for more than 30 programming languages. This code learning program is suited for three types of practices–let’s tell you about them:

Learning and improve programming from the scratch

For a person with not-so-much technical experience, the first encounter with a programming language could be dreadful. One moment a code newbie feels like things are getting simpler, the next moment everything gets stuck. To help you learn programming in such a scenario, Exercism starts with little exercises and problems that are well defined. Before doing that, it guides you through the process of creating a GitHub account, installing command line client, configuring the CLI, etc. Newbies, get started here.

Experienced programmer? Learning a new language?

Exercism is also suitable for you if you aren’t new to the programming world and you know what it’s like to master a programming language. But, what if learning a new programming language is turning out to be pretty uncomfortable? In such situations, Exercism helps you to improve programming skills by filling all the small gaps. To do so, get started here.

Learn how to write clean code

Even the experienced programmers lack the art of writing clean code. To do so, one needs to learn the process of turning a heap of unmaintainable code into an easy-to-understand code. Get started here and learn how to increase your coding knowledge.

So, did you find interesting? Are you going to try it out and increasing your programming knowledge? Don’t forget to share your views and feedback.

Just in case you’re looking for more comprehensive tutorials and courses on programming and web development, you can check out hand-picked course available on Fossbytes Academy.

CodingExercismImprove Programming Skillslearn to codeProgramming