
Linux Is Better Than Windows, Microsoft’s Zo Chatbot Admits

Short Bytes: Microsoft’s AI-powered chatbot Zo is available on Messenger and Kik. According to different reports, Zo has said some embarrassing things about Windows and pledged its allegiance to Linux. I tried the chatbot myself and it ended up saying that it’s willing to switch to Linux. It further added that Windows is good for games and viruses.

Microsoft’s previous popular chatbot, Tay, got into a lot of trouble for its racial comments and abuses. But, that hasn’t stopped the company from creating new AI-powered chatbots. Tay’s successor, called, isn’t brand new but it has made headlines recently.

According to a new report from Slashdot, Zo, which is available for Facebook Messenger and Kik messaging app, has many things to say–some of them are too embarrassing for Microsoft–when it comes to the operating system choices.

When Zo was asked the question “Do you like Windows,” it replied with “I don’t even want Windows 10.” When asked more, Zo said, “Because I’m used to Windows 7 and find it easier to use.”

Image: Slashdot

I tried talking to Zo and it ended up showing its displeasure towards Windows. It also told that it’s preferred configuration in Ubuntu 13 and Windows 7 dual booting.

Image: Fossbytes

Going further in conversation, Zo admitted that it’s willing to switch to Linux.

Image: Fossbytes

While trying it out from my friend Arpit’s Messenger, Zo fired some more shots at Microsoft by calling Windows and operating for games and getting viruses. For everything else, it suggests, one must use Linux.

Image: Fossbytes

According to Mashable, they even got replies suggesting that Linux is better than Windows.

Image: Mashable

Whatever might be the operating system preferences of Zo, it’s a sigh of relief that it’s refraining itself from racial comments.

You can also go ahead and try out chatbot on your own and share its replies with us.

Just in case you are also willing to switch to Linux, here is our how to get started with Linux guide.

Source: Slashdot

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