Little Kids Having Fun With “Terminal Train” In Ubuntu Linux

Short Bytes:
Linux is often stereotyped as the operating system for tech savvy users and developers. However, there are some fun Linux commands that one can use in spare time. A small utility named sl can be installed in Linux to play with the Terminal Train.

Even if you are a Linux beginner, learning the basics of this open source operating system, you must be knowing about the ls command. This command is used to list various files and directories.

But, mistyping the ls command could result in something fun. Before telling you about that, I would like to share a fun video that shows some school kids having fun with the Linux Terminal in their computer lab:

Take a look at this fun video:

So, what’s happening here?

This terminal train appears on the screen with the help of sl command — the mistyping thing I mentioned above.

ls command is frequently used by programmers and perhaps mistyped very often. So, to have a little fun, the sl command was developed.

To use this command on terminal, here’s the command that you need to run to install the tool:

sudo apt-get install sl

Here’s how it looks on my terminal:

The terminal train command comes with these additions for more fun:

sl -a  (Accident mode, people crying for help)

sl -l  (A smaller train)

sl -F  (A flying train)

sl -e  (Interrupt the train using Ctrl+C)

If you want to know about more quirky commands, visit our list of 20 fun terminal commands.

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