Meet The Fast And Beautiful Cub Linux 1.0 — “Cub = Chromium + Ubuntu”

Short Bytes:
Cub Linux is created by combining the best features of Chromium OS and Ubuntu Linux i.e. speed and Google integrations of Chromium + power and compatibility of Ubuntu Linux. This cloud centric operating system is currently based on Ubuntu Linux LTS 14.04 ‘Trusty Tahr’ and is available for download as a Release Candidate.

Ubuntu Linux is one of the most popular Linux-based operating systems. There are thousands of mainstream applications available and Canonical makes sure that it remains compatible with the variety of hardware available.

On the other hand, Chromium OS uses cloud and Google apps as it power source. It’s known for its integration with Google services, web apps, and speed.

In this article, I’m going to tell you about a unique Linux distribution named Cub Linux. It’s a Ubuntu Linux-based operating system that tries to combine its best features with Chromium OS and create an OS that easy-to-use and powerful.

Before telling you more details, let me remind you that Cub Linux was earlier known as Chromixium OS. However, due to copyright issues and the request of Google, the project team renamed the OS to Cub Linux.

While I personally like the previous name, Cub Linux is another great choice by combining the names Chromium and Ubuntu.

Coming back to the current state of Cub Linux, it’s in the development phase with the Cub Linux 1.0 Release Candidate available for download. This nearly stable release is good for getting started with experimenting and testing.

The current batch of Cub Linux ISOs are based on Ubuntu Linux LTS 14.04 Trusty Tahr.

Cub Linux provides the Linux desktop and menus by combining Openbox window manager with Plank dock, LXDE’s LXPanel, and Compton desktop compositor. The look and feel of the OS reminds you of Chromium OS and its avatars.

The Cub Linux developers have also published a dedicated software repo for updating the homegrown packages.

Brief list of the main features of Cub Linux 1.0:

  • Kernel 4.2 and updated xorg stack
  • New look and theme
  • New window edge snapping
  • Chromium OS-style avatars
  • Parole replaced with dedicated media player
  • Viewnior is the new picture viewer
  • Clipboard daemon
  • Better brightness and volume controls
  • Control Panel now has Grub Bootloader manager

Available in 32 and 64-bit, the development team recommends the use of 64-bit version for EFI and secure boot systems. 32-bit is recommended for 32-bit-only and low RAM processors.

Notably, Adobe Flash and Google Chrome are only available in the 64-bit version.

For more information and downloading the ISO images, visit the website of Cub Linux.

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Chromixium LinuxCub LinuxCub Linux 1.0Cub Linux 1.0 RCLinux Distro