Microsoft’s New Tool Lets You Create ‘Full-Stack Web Apps’ With Few Clicks

Microsoft has announced a new extension for Visual Studio Code that lets anyone create full-stack web applications easy and quickly, with just a few clicks.

Dubbed Web Template Studio (WebTS), the extension provides a platform to create a web application quickly. It also generates a with a step-by-step guide on how to start the development process.

WebTS helps developers to generate boilerplate code for a web app by offering them options to choose between different front-end frameworks, back-end frameworks, pages, and cloud service

Currently, Web Template Studio supports languages such as React, Vue, and Angular (for frontend) and Node.js and Flask (for backend).

The extension offers several app page templates such as blank page, grid page, list, master detail — to help you create web apps faster.

The best part about WebTS is that the web apps created using this tool have a well structured and readable code. It can also incorporate cloud services on Azure and implement proven patterns and best practices.

The good news for interested developers is that Web Template Studio is open-source on GitHub, so anyone can contribute to further improve the tool and use it for other projects.

Those who just want to use it for creating their own web-apps can download WebTS extension for free.

code generatinng extensionCodingFull StackMicrosoftProgramming