“My First Line of Code”: Linux Creator Linus Torvalds

Short Bytes:
Linus Torvalds is the creator of Linux and he still decides what will happen in the world of Linux. Read more and watch an amazing video in which Linux talks to Bloomberg about his first line of code.

Linus Torvalds is the king of all geeks. You instantly know that he thinks in codes as he says, “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” Today, Linux is used everywhere from your web search to NASA’s space missions. Linus didn’t invent the idea of FOSS, but Linux helped to unleash its full power.

Talking about his love for coding, Linus says that the thing he enjoys about programming, is the fact we can tell the computer exactly what to do- and nothing more. Based on the same ideology, he rejects the idea of robots taking over the world.

The first computer Linus used was his grandfather’s Commodore VIC-20, when he was 11-12 years old and this computer used BASIC.

Linus says that according to his sister Sara, the first code he showed her was a two-line “GOTO” program in BASIC. He tried to show-off his new programming skills on the Commodore by making it repeat “Sara is the best.”

Watch the video below.

What was your first line of code? What languages do you know? Tell us in the comments below.

Also read: The History of Linux: How Linux Became Everyone’s Favorite

FOSSLinus TorvaldsLinuxOpen Source