Now Color-Blind people can View Web– Thanks to New Chrome Extension

New Google Chrome extension helps color-blind users surf Internet without any problem.

To pass the leisurely time, the Internet isn’t always one of the first choices of color-blind people. In fact, for color-blind people using the Internet becomes highly irritating as they aren’t even able to see logos properly.

However, Google has identified a way to fill in this gap that exists between color-blinds and the web. Google recently launched Chrome extension Color Enhancer, which tweaks the colors of the browser to help the user overcome partial color-blindness.

The only thing user is required to do is walk through the primary calibration process and the extension does the rest of the task itself.

This although is not a very complicated addition in the web world but it definitely will make a lot of difference in the lives of color-blind people. It will help them spot web objects that would have gone unnoticed previously.


In March 2015, a Santa Cruz resident accidentally invented EnChroma CX sunglasses that helps cure the color blindness in human beings.

Do you know anyone facing color-blindness issues? If yes, don’t forget to share this extension and EnChroma CX sunglasses update with them.

[src src=”via” url=””] Francois Beaufort (Google+)[/src]

[src src=”source” url=” enhancer/ipkjmjaledkapilfdigkgfmpekpfnkih”]Chrome Web Store[/src]

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