Now You Can Run Ubuntu Touch OS On Raspberry Pi 3 With Touchscreen

Ubuntu Touch is the mobile version of the Ubuntu operating system designed for mobile devices. The operating system is developed and managed by UBPorts which has recently pushed an update that brings Ubuntu Touch to Raspberry Pi 3.

With the weekly update, now you can run Ubuntu Touch on Raspberry Pi 3 using the official Raspberry Pi 3 7-inches touch screen LCD. The update makes Raspberry Pi 3 a perfect development platform for Ubuntu Touch OS.

UBPorts mentions on its official changelog for its weekly update: “Ubuntu Touch was shown running on a Raspberry Pi 3 with a 7″ touch screen. Raspberry Pis are really maturing as development platforms and will make access to Ubuntu Touch application development possible for a much wider base.

You can learn more about the update from this QnA session video from UBPorts:

Many developers use Raspberry Pi single-board computers (SBC) for development purposes and now with the availability of Ubuntu Touch on Raspberry Pi 3, developers can run the apps available for Ubuntu Touch using the touchscreen.

Besides using Raspberry Pi for development purposes, we’ve also seen many people using the SBC for DIY projects. For example, we saw how a DIY enthusiast turned PS2 into a portable gaming console using a Raspberry PI computer.

Raspberry Piraspberry pi 3UbuntuUbuntu TouchUbuntu Touch on Raspberry Pi 3