
Siri Will Learn Chinese in 2012

Siri to go multilingual? Apple has confirmed that Siri will now learn The Chinese language for its customer as the company kicks off for iPhone 4S launch to the Chinese market, on January 13th, Friday, next week.

According to Apple media adviser, the digital assistant will learn Mandarin as the main reason for iPhone 4s popularity  is mostly due the user friendly Siri, your personal assistant that replies back and does stuff  by just hearing your voice.

In another statement from Apple spokesman, ”the company is planning to add official Chinese language support anytime in 2012. While other languages will be supported as well. For now, Siri can only speak and understands English with various accents.

Well, this is a charming move by Apple to mark their place in Chinese markets and to attack customers. Would love to hear how Siri sounds like in Chinese.

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