The Major Cyber Events You Might Have Missed

The most happening events in cyber world that makes every web savvy thrilled and compel to think ahead of cyber crime are compiled here. The stories that you might missed can be again revealed with sincere efforts. So let us look over them!

Microsoft planned to block Adware from July 2014

Adware that comes in pop up forms seems annoying, but plays an important role in spreading malware in websites. However, Microsoft has announced that the company is going to block adware from July 2014. Michael Johnson, from the Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC) said, “Programs that promote a product or service outside of their own program can interfere with your computing experience.” For further knowledge, browse here.

US Federal Government Plans to Monitor DDoS attack against Banks

The great news came from US government about monitoring DDoS attack against the networks of banks and financial institutions. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) has issued a notice that contains six steps to be followed by every bank and financial institutions. It is believed that US government is inspired from the 2012 cyber attacks that made different banks and financial institutions victim, and took many banks down. For the whole story, you can click here.

Internet of Things: An Evolving Risk to Enterprise Security

What will happen when your internet-connected refrigerator sends thousands of bot to internet users?  It is assumed that many of consumer appliances will connect with internet and attackers could use them to spread malware and other types of cyber crime. Therefore, here are the top most ways through which Internet of Things can pose a security risk to enterprise security. Let us reveal about here.

How could I Fix Heartbleed Vulnerability?

OpenSSL, the widely used software to encode web communication faced a serious security flaw named “Heartbleed bug“. Before we provide solution to fix this issue, let us understand “Heartbleed” in details.

“Only 10% companies are safe from Insider Threats”, Ovum says

Insider threat has put many organizations in trouble. An industry analyst Ovum has produced a shocking fact about organization’s insider threat. Ovum said that only 10% companies feel secure from Insider Threat. The survey was conducted on US and Europe organizations by 537 telephonic interviews. To know the further shocking details visit here.

Massive US credit bureau Data breach put 200 million SSN at risk

A Vietnamese hacker named Hieu Minh Ngo is held responsible for massive data breach of America’s three credit bureaus. Hacker distributed 30 million IDs by using a fraud identity to purchase social security numbers database called Court Ventures. To know further about how officials react to this data breach, visit here.

ACCC breach made thousands of Aussies victim of Cyber Attack

A serious phishing fraud occurred at ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commission), where customers who signed up email subscription for product recalls. The email address was responsible for phishing attempt. Customers who have registered at ACCC product service have received recall from phishing email address. To get the full report click here.

Google to start App Scanning Service for Malware

After receiving thousands of requests, Google is now ready to scan third party app, which is the main cause of spreading malware. Google has its own system named Bouncer that analysis every app run on Google Play Store. Get the whole details right now.

GovWin IQ website hacked, 80000 Employees’ Information Exposed

A dedicated website to Government contractors to grow their business suffered a serious data breach that puts personal information at risk of 80000 employees. A hacker got access of personal data including Names, billing addresses, phone numbers, and business email IDs. For full story, click here.

Take look at most terrible Data breaches of 2014

The Identity Theft Resource Center that observes data breaches done by hackers, has considered 204 data breaches that breached 4,238,983 records related to confidential personal information. To have a look over them click here.
