There’s always one person who always posts comments or replies to people online with their keyboard’s caps lock on. It’s indeed irritating to see such people existing even today but did you know there is a special day for Caps Lock?

Yes, today is 22nd October 2017, and sadly it’s “International Caps Lock Day” as well. But how did it start? Well, it’s thanks to Derek Arnold who in 2000 decided to dedicate 22nd Oct to Caps Lock. Why did he do that? According to now deleted post by Arnold:

“International Caps Lock Day is, in fact, a testament to the small-mindedness of certain Western individuals: the majority of the world’s population writes in scripts which have no concept of letter casing. Therefore it is advised to laugh at anyone who invokes this day as an excuse to dismiss local typographical conventions: they are simply making an ass out of themselves.”

Once the Caps Lock day had its website which at the time of publishing this article was showing privacy error with an online shopping experience sales pitch. However, the fun fact is that International Caps Lock Day is celebrated twice a year including on 28th June every year.

Oh and since social media has revolutionized everything, you can witness users celebrating the Caps Lock day. Here’re some tweets from Caps Lock day enthusiasts:

To view more tweets follow #CAPSLOCKDAY hashtag on Twitter. On behalf of HackRead team, we wish you a HAPPY INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY.

