
Twitter Caught Hijacking This Guy’s Account To Make Fake Tweets Promoting Its New TV Product

Twitter authorities have been caught doing something unexpected when a Twitter user going with the handle of @Neil_Gottlieb came to know about misuse of his twitter account when his friend told him that twitter is using his account in order promote it’s new TV advertising product, which will enhance buyer’s for ad campaigns.

Twitter’s blog showed an ad management dashboard with a tweet from Gottlieb that said:

  • “What is the song in the new @barristabar commercial? I love it!!”

After that whatever happened can be seen in below given screenshots where both user and Twitter advertising authorities are negotiating with each other.

Neil Gottlieb asking twitter about how his profile was misused to promote a product:


Then a hilarious reply by Twitter admin when they realized they had screwed up:

Then comes another twitter user going with the handle of @WilliamMazeo, his account was also misused by twitter in order to promote their new TV advertising product.

 Then a warning from William saying not to do such kind of act again!!!

A third account that was also used by twitter for same promotion goes with the handle of @subhash_tewari but not available on twitter anymore.

Thanks to Jeff Elder of the San Francisco Chronicle for discovering and exposing invading of privacy by twitter before it could hide its track. It was Jeff who took all the screenshots just in the right time.

So all Twitter users (including me) nothing is hidden from these big fish social media site!!

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